Temperate Deciduous and Temperate Rain forest By: Ian McElroy, Matt Valentine, and Dennis Chan
Temperate Deciduous Location- The latitude of these forest run from 23 north to 38 south. Temperature- About 20 degrees Celsius to freezing. Rainfall- 28 to 60 inches of rain fall yearly. Types of organism- Many organisms make up this biome such as large mammals, birds, and insects.
Food web of a Temperate Deciduous Rain Forest
Indicator Species Animals include: American Toad, Box Turtles, Ground Squirrels, Yellow-breasted Chat, Dear, Wolves, and Bears. Plants Include: Dutchman's-Breeches, Oak, Sassafras, and Redbud.
Human Impacts on Deciduous Rain Forest The main way that deciduous rain forests have been affected by humans is urbanization. People moving into the countryside, building farms and other buildings, and deforestation are. Building motorways through deciduous forests is also a big one. Others include: logging, fire suppressions, and manipulation of wildlife population.
Temperate Rain Forest Location- Mostly along the northwestern coast of North America. Temperature- About 0-20 degrees Celsius. Rainfall- Average annual rainfall is between 200 and 350 cm. Types of Organisms- The temperate rain forest is home to a high variety of organisms.
Temperate Rain Forest Food Web
Indicator Species Animals: Clark’s Nutcracker, Blue Grouse, and the Banana Slug. Plants: Indian Paintbrush and Bigleaf Maple.
Human Impacts on Temperate Rain Forests The greatest impact comes from deforestation for the production of goods that we use everyday such as paper and building supplies.