Richard Arnold Quality Framework Team
2 Overview 1. Using the Quality Framework to systematically drive improvement 2. Aligning the tools and levers of the Quality Framework 3. NHS England – Quality Framework Team – Outputs 4. NAGG – The opportunities
NHS Outcomes Framework First Mandate for NHS England published on 13 th November 2012 Sets out what the Government expects in return for handing over £95bn of tax payers money to NHS England The NHS Outcomes Framework sits at the heart of this Mandate and NHS England is expected to demonstrate progress across the entire framework In turn, the NHS Outcomes Framework sits at the heart of NHS England’s planning guidance ‘Everyone Counts’, published in December 2013
A Quality Framework to systematically drive improvement Bring Clarity to Quality Reward Quality Innovate for Quality Safeguard Quality Leadership for quality Driving Change and Transformation Sustain Improvement Understand the Evidence Prioritise Analyse the Problems and Opportunities 1234 Reward Quality Publish Quality Measure Quality
Domain Narratives The scale of the challenges Where there are opportunities for improvement – the key areas for action How we will drive change and transformation Underpinned with Clinical Audits. NHS England – Supporting Clinical Audit
All 182 patients Audit data Demonstrating Quality Improvement
Consultant level Outcome Data
NHS England Quality Framework Team NCAPOP Audits Local Audits Quality Accounts 7 Day Services NAGG?
NHS England – Clinical Audit – Reaching Out.
NAGG – The future! What is the collective purpose? Developing NAGGs working relationships with other bodies, organisations and networks. Identifying how NAGG collectively can reach out and add value to associated bodies or networks How can NAGG raise its online presence. How can NAGG plan effectively nationally and locally? Where and how has NAGG worked effectively in the past and how can that be captured in the future? How does NAGG capitalise on the expertise and scope of the membership?