#LJWG2015 HEPATITIS C IN PEOPLE WHO USE DRUGS Improving Care for Hepatitis C: A Framework Approach LONDON 2015
#LJWG2015 NHS England’s role in the development of the Operational Delivery Networks: Delivery of treatment for PWIDs Claire Foreman Senior Programme of Care Manager, Blood and Infection Specialised Commissioning, NHS England
NHS England’s role in the development of the Operational Delivery Networks: delivery of treatment for PWIDs. Claire Foreman, NHS England 19 th October 2015
NHS England’s ODN Journey
Each ODN’s journey
Destination ODN Partnerships to better coordinate care and expertise for the benefit of patients, responding to local need New ways of working: Sharing responsibility, augmenting existing expertise, enhancing access for patients
Why? Disease paradigm: incidence and prevalence; prevention challenge; disease progression; healthcare utilisation; commissioner and provider landscape and treatment innovation People living with HCV: heterogeneous population; geographical distribution; undiagnosed infection; high risk populations Equity: heterogeneous care pathway and access to expertise to secure improved outcomes Resources: ensures clinical and cost effectiveness
HCV ODNs: The ambition Step change in HCV related liver disease Increased cure Improved outcomes, reduced onward transmission – and the data to prove it! Equitable local access to expert care Clinically led strategy of clinically appropriate cost effective prescribing
What it means locally Local clinical leaders shaping the strategy Locally - and together - agreeing clinical need for treatment Identifying and tackling local issues Schedule and select right treatment based on local needs
What does it mean for PWID? Improving access to specialist expertise in an organised way More opportunity for focus on needs of local groups in local populations by bringing together local providers and commissioners Patients with cirrhosis treated now Framework for access to new treatments based on NICE guidance Clinically-led responsiveness to local needs
HCV ODNs: We’re off! Service specification Regionally led compliance assessment ODNs at different stages of development Resource requirements identified and now worked through Discussing what works well and what needs more attention
How will we know when we’ve arrived? Sustained virological response (cure) - >80% Treated patients have a named care provider - >90% Treated patients discussed at a MDT and copied to GP - >95%
What’s next? ODNs still in development stage National ‘network of networks’ is proposed Communications for patients and providers Governance – development within and amongst ODNs Co-production – sharing what’s working and solutions for the challenges Clinical leadership – managing consensus and difference to deliver the ambition
Making a successful ODN
Summary NHS England provided the framework for ODNs ODNs critical to improve access to equity, expertise and outcomes, led by clinicians at a local level Phase 1 complete, almost…. Learn and share to prepare for implementation and mainstreaming