Graphic Elements- Graphic Elements- the structure of the writing (what it looks like on the page) Innocent If love were a crime, And you were jailed because you claimed that you loved me, And evidence was sought of your guilt or innocence, You’d get away scott free.
graphic elements Shape Poems incorporate graphic elements through visualization. They take time to create them effectively.
lines. All poems are broken up into lines. The length of each line and where it breaks, or ends, contributes to the poem’s meaning and sounds. Lunchroom I was so hungry I could have eaten my algebra book. I smelled what we were having before I even saw it. Mystery Meat, green mushy peas, instant potatoes with lumpy gravy, bread pudding, and milk. It’s a good thing I like milk.
stanza A stanza is a group of lines. Stanzas work together to convey the overall message of the poem. Fog The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.
Rhythm Rhythm is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line. meter. A regular pattern of rhythm is called meter. The sun did not shine; It was too wet to play, So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day. -Dr. Seuss
Rhyme Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the ends of words, as in sun and one. Rhyme scheme Rhyme scheme is the pattern that the end-rhyming words follow. To identify rhyme scheme, assign a letter to each sound. ‘Twas the night before Christmas, A When all through the house B Not a creature was stirring, C Not even a mouse; B
Repetition Repetition is a technique in which a sound, word, phrase, or line is repeated for emphasis or unity. Repetition often helps to reinforce meaning or create an appealing rhythm. Mi Madre I say feed me. She serves red prickly pear on a spike cactus. I say tease me. She sprinkles raindrops in my face on a sunny day. I say frighten me. She shouts thunder, flashes lightning.
Alliteration Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. “Over a Bunsen burner bubbled a big earthenware dish of stew” - A Wrinkle in Time The repetition of the “b” sound reproduces the motion of the stew simmering in its pot. Say to them, Say to the down-keepers. The sun-slappers, The self-spoilers, - Gwendolyn Brooks
Idioms Idioms is defined as words that mean something other than the literal meaning. "You can't cry over spilled milk!" my mother always said. "Life's not a piece of cake!" she hammered in my head. "That's the way it goes, that's the way the cookie crumbles." My mother saved her idioms for all my idiotic troubles. -John Randal
hyperbole hyperbole is defined as exaggerating to make a point. Appetite by an unknown author In a house the size of a postage stamp lived a man as big as a barge. His mouth could drink the entire river You could say it was rather large For dinner he would eat a trillion beans And a silo full of grain, Washed it down with a tanker of milk As if he were a drain.
simile A simile is a comparison of two things using the word like or as. The sun spun like A tossed coin. It whirled on the azure blue sky, It clattered into the horizon, It clicked in the slot, And neon-lights popped And blinked “Time expired,” As on a parking meter. -Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali
Metaphors Metaphors are comparisons of two things that does not use the word like or as. In the pond in the park all things are doubled: Long buildings hang and wriggle gentle. Chimneys are bent legs bouncing on clouds below.” -May Swensen
Personification Personification is a description of an object, animal, or idea as if it has human qualities and emotions. Directly ahead of her was the circular building, its walls glowing with violet flame, its silvery roof pulsing with a light that seemed to Meg to be insane.” “The little waves with their soft, white hands.”
Your assignment: 1. Write a poem using at least 3 poetic techniques (e.g., rhythm, rhyme, rhyme scheme, meter, repetition, and alliteration) Your topic for this poem must be music or video games (anything related to these topics). 2. Write a poem using 1 type of figurative language (e.g., personification, idioms, hyperbole, simile, and metaphor) Your topic for this poem must be about someone or something you’ve met (think outside the box). 3. Write a poem using graphic elements (e.g., word position, lines, stanzas, or shapes) Your topic for this poem is a free choice, but shape poems need to be as excellent as the examples you were shown. Shape poems will most likely require homework. All poems, except shape poems, must be centered on the paper along with a picture or symbol. Those pictures or symbols need to be colored. We will do small group sharing on Friday, the half day.