NSDI Future Directions Restructuring Action Team Review of Existing Governance Documents Update – December 16, 2004
Task: Compile, review, and analyze existing documents and studies that have proposed or commented on the NSDI. Goal: Provide a synthesized report on past recommendations and options for governance from previous studies of the NSDI. Team: Tony LaVoi (NOAA), Randy Fusaro (Census), Alison Dishman (FGDC) Assignment
Pursue a tiered approach to developing the summarized recommendations for consideration by governance team Review high priority information sources first 2. 2.Develop template for summarizing and analysis 3. 3.Conduct review of other sources, if needed 4. 4.Compile templates into synthesized recommendations Approach
Toward a Coordinated Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Nation (1993), Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources (CGER) Promoting the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Through Partnerships (1994), Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources (CGER) A Data Foundation For The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (1995), Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources (CGER) The Future of Spatial Data and Society: Summary of a Workshop (1997), Mapping Science Committee, National Research Council Geographic Information for the 21st Century: Building a Strategy for the Nation (1998), National Academy of Public Administration National Spatial Data Infrastructure Partnership Programs: Rethinking the Focus (2001), Mapping Science Committee, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, National Research Council Priority Documents
Weaving a National Map: Review of the U.S. Geological Survey Concept of The National Map (2002), Committee to Review the U.S. Geological Survey Concept of The National Map, Mapping Science Committee, National Research Council Geospatial Information: Better Coordination Needed to Identify and Reduce Duplicative Investments (2004), United States General Accounting Office URISA National Geographic Information Cooperate, Coordinate, Collaboration Task Force (3CTF) Report and The #CTF Resolution NSGIC Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations report (not yet reviewed) Priority Documents
Status Developed templates Reviewed eight priority documents Started synthesis
Some Initial Trends… Incentives should be created for data sharing and developing partnerships Developing partnerships to build NSDI is pervasive throughout all documents All levels of government and private sector need to be major partners in building the NSDI Awareness and Education need to be increased to sell NSDI Performance measures are needed Standards – all types; all levels of gov’t and private sector Figure out ways to fund and finance the NSDI
Unique Recommendations/Observations… Recommendation to create a private, nonprofit National Spatial Data Council (NSDC), modeled on the current FGDC and NSDI with representation by all levels of government National Geodetic Survey should be transferred to USGS Transfer responsibility for TIGER file maintenance to Geographic Data Service in USGS Metadata was only mentioned once in the recommendations Training was hardly mentioned—only in the URISA report
Planned Activities Review any other documents that team recommends Assess outcomes of recommendations (entire team) Provide a more detailed synthesis and report