Replacement of Obsolete/Old Hardware L. Ducimetière SPS Consolidation Review Luc Sermeus, Mike Barnes, Viliam Senaj, Thomas Kramer, Luis Feliciano, Vasco.


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Presentation transcript:

Replacement of Obsolete/Old Hardware L. Ducimetière SPS Consolidation Review Luc Sermeus, Mike Barnes, Viliam Senaj, Thomas Kramer, Luis Feliciano, Vasco Namora, Remy Noulibos, Patrick Faure, Francesco Castronuovo

Talk Overview Refurbish oil systems Upgrade MKP switches (thyratron type) New MKDV generators (and controls) Eradicate horn pulser ignitron switches

Refurbish oil systems Concerns CPS systems, with 2 objectives: Improve safety by replacing mineral oil (DIALA) by ESTER oil Improve system reliability by renovating old system Status: Done in MTE, PSB EK/TK, AD horn, LEIR, ISOLDE On-going in CT, AD / ELENA, Lab.867 Still to be done in PS TIK and FAK kCHF FTE WU statusBCActivity Active65218Refurbish oil systems To be implemented over several years with constant budget

Upgrade MKP switches (thyratron type) CX1171B under-dimensioned for the pulse  i  dt CX2503 « newly » developped for MKI features higher  i  dt, and very large gas reservoir. CX2503 also used in LHC-MKI and SPS-MKE. Already started on Dump switches (1 in operation + 1 spare, 9 remaining) 8 Main switches to be treated during the 100 ns LIU project (full switch to be redesigned for 2 thyratrons) kCHF FTE WU statusBCActivity Active65712Upgrade MKP switches (thyratron type) Consists in replacing old type CX1171B by new CX2503 :

New MKDV generators and controls Redesigned 2  proto PFN ready for switch test in Lab.867 “Quad-stack” GTO switch design well advanced  start to build a proto in 2015 Regular strategy meetings EC-FPS on-going to validate key elements and functionalities To be integrated in SPS-LIU ? Split EC / FPS budget kCHF FTE WU statusBCActivity Active65711New MKDV generators and controls x 40

Eradicate horn pulser ignitron switches Ignitron switches are a safety issue (ref. BA3 fire in 1997 : 10MCHF cleaning, 10 weeks lost for operation) Technically easy to replace +/- copy of MKDH GTO switch Need full cleaning of cubicles Erosion evidence found in test cubicle Need new trigger system ? kCHF FTE WU statusBCActivity Approved99215[AD] Horn ignitron mercury switches phase-out