ITC-ILO/ACTRAV/FES/GUF Training Course on: CSR New Challenge or Opportunity? Course Orientation 28 November 2005
Background - why training on CSR? Objectives - what do we try to achieve? Outputs - what do we produce? Timetable - what are we going to discuss? Individual objectives - what is your aim? Topics
Background (1) CSR has become a trend...very fashionable Environm ent Sweat Shops Human Rights Child Labour Influence of MNE SRI Outsourci ng Off- shoring Bribery Corruptio n Bribery Corruptio n Are unions in or out?
Background (2) Workers’ Rights under Globalizing Economy: (e.g.) the informal economy, EPZs, outsourcing/ off-shoring, hiring & firing, union busting, and “the race to the bottom”, etc. Big gap between what companies are publicly saying under CSR and what workers and unions are facing with.
Is “CSR” good for unions/workers? Or, bad? Under what conditions can we say “CSR” is good for unions? (Never?) How can we make sure that such conditions are always guaranteed? Big Question Marks
Study CSR more in depth; and Share experiences, ideas and strategic plans among GUFs in A/P Region How do GUFs in Asia/Pacific coordinate your work, organize joint actions, and contribute to shaping CSR in favor of workers and unions??? GUFs need to
Expected Results (Long-term Objectives) GUFs in Asia and the Pacific Region implements specific actions to ensure that “CSR” contributes to creation and promotion of an “enabling environment” for trade unions.
What to be achieved in this program 1. To understand all the major CSR tools; 2. To become able to assess CSR tools by using proper benchmarking tool(s); 3. To identify ways and means to shape the future direction of CSR and to mainstream trade unions in CSR; 4. To devise regional strategies for promoting Framework Agreements.
Work Plans Proposal for specific actions to be taken by your office to: ➡ Shape the direction of CSR in Asia/Pacific Region; ➡ Mainstream trade unions in CSR discussions; ➡ Promote joint actions by GUFs to advance FA in the region.
Individual Objectives: Major Questions to be Asked
What are your major questions/concerns over: ILO and CSR ILO Tripartite Declaration on MNEs OECD Guidelines for MNEs Multi-stake holder private codes/guidelines Corporate Code of Conduct Framework Agreements GUFs and CSR
Points for Discussions 1 International Labour Standards and CSR - Does CSR promote ILS, or impede? ILO Tripartite Declaration on Principles concerning MNEs and Social Policies - Is it an effective tool for unions, or not? - How best can unions promote and use it? OECD Guidelines for MNEs - How can unions try to improve it?
Points for Discussions 2 Multi-stakeholder codes/guidelines - Are they real? - How should we deal with them? CSR of Multinational Companies - Are they a mere “PR” tool? - How can we work with good MNEs? Framework Agreements - How best can we use FA to organize, bargain collectively and improve conditions? - Can we have FA with Asian MNEs?
Final Words This training course is yours! You can make it better (or worse)!
Administrative Announcements Lunch Dinner allowances Transportation ✓ Air tickets (invoices) ✓ Airport transportation (receipts) FES dinner reception = Wed. night
Tea break!
Examples of CSR Case 1 : A US MNE is buying products from suppliers in China. Does this US MNE have any responsibility over the working conditions at the Chinese suppliers?
Social Responsibility of an International Buyer International Buyer Boundary Supplier ProducerProducer Supplier ProducerProducer Sub- contractor Boundary Sub- contractor