Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment Fluid Engineering, Inc. Southern Company Services Cooling Tower Chemical Feed Skids Plant Franklin Combined Cycle Plant
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment (application details) Customer Requested (7) Cooling Tower Chemical Feed Skids. Each Skid was to include Primary and Backup pumps with capability for either pump or both to operate at same time. Complete systems with piping, valves, PD, PRV, BPV, strainer, pressure gauges, cal. col., degassing valves, injection quill, static mixer, control panels, etc.: Sodium Hypochlorite, (2) S2CA Sodium Bromide, (2) S1CA Sodium Bisulfite, (2) Gamma/L Algaecide, (2) S2CA Silt Dispersant, (2) Gamma/L Sulfuric Acid w/ Containment Basin and Chemical Tote Platform, (2) S1CA Anti-Foam w/ Containement Basin, Day Tank, & Mixer, (2) S1CA
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment (problem/opportunity) The metering pump skids specified by Southern Company requested checkered plate mounting surfaces to withstand a 110 mph windload. - Fluid Engineering offered alternative structure with little resistance to wind and minimal surface area for potential chemical “pooling”. The skid design requirements for several of the chemicals were to insulated and heat traced. - Fluid Engineering offered these as alternative and proposed field installation due to possible damage during shipping and installation. Variable Speed Drives were requested for flow control. - Prominent’s control pumps have built-in microprocessors.
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment (S1CA, S2CA, Gamma/L Skids)
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment (Prominent Antifoam Skid, Front)
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment (ProMinent Antifoam Skid, Back)
Experts in Chem-Feed and Water Treatment (ProMinent Sulfuric Acid Skid)