JERICHO Joshua 6
Jericho Joshua sent two spies Joshua 2:1 Rahab hid them from king of Jericho 2:2-7 Rahab’s faith and request 2:8-13 The conditions for salvation 2:14, 17-20 Don’t tell Tie the scarlet cord to the window Be in the house Spies had to do their part (not get caught) She let them out the window with the cord
Jericho God already gave Jericho to Israel Joshua 6:1-2 March around once for six days 6:3 Seven times the seventh day 6:4 Seven priests blow seven trumpets 6:4 Nobody even speaks until the last time 6:5 Priests will make a long blast then all shout Each goes in where he is when the walls fall Don’t take anything out of the city 6:16-19 They did what God said, saved Rahab 6:20-25
Lessons from Jericho Example of grace by faith that works 6:2 I have given Jericho into your hand (grace) Heb. 11:30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell After they were encircled for seven days (works) Our obedience shows faith that we do nothing to earn God’s blessing; it is His grace Marching had nothing to do with the walls falling except God said to do it They demonstrated it was by God’s power
Lessons from Jericho God gave inheritance unconditionally Deut. 7:6-11, Rom. 11:29 But keeping inheritance is conditional Deut. 8:18-20, Rom. 11:16-24 Type-antitype relationship Means of spies’ deliverance was Rahab’s deliverance (scarlet cord) Cord out of the side of the wall was like the blood of the Passover lamb for Israel Type of Jesus’ blood for us Eph. 1:7, Heb. 10:22