Constructivist Grounded Theory Evolving GT
Shift in thinking Interviews are not neutral, context-free tools for data collection Active interactions between two people Results are mutually negotiated and contextual
Ontology the nature of reality reality has multiple constructions Knowledge is highly contextualized by political, historical, cultural, and other influences Reality is local and specific Reality changes as we evolve
Epistemology the relationship between the researcher and subject Transactional & subjective Researcher and topic are linked We do not discover knowledge, but construct it Constructions are interpreted
Methodology how knowledge should be obtained Open coding to core categories, theoretical codes, constant comparative codes Use of active codes Reconstruction of data Reflective memo writing “Author is constantly reflecting, witnessing, wondering, and accepting all at once”
Charmaz 1st to name her work as “constructionist” Rather than discovering the data and theories, the researcher constructs them Interpretation of what is happening rather than absolute reality Any conclusions are still suggestive, incomplete, and inconclusive
A constructivist approach requires: Reciprocity between participants and the researcher Power balance Clarification of the position the author takes
Establishing relationships Not “smash & grab” Active interactions Reciprocal shaping of research Results are mutually negotiated
Sharing the Power Data generation, not data collection Proactively plan for the time with the participants Time and location participants’ choice Flexible, unstructured approach Reflexive stance Resist placing value on responses or participants Intimacy through reciprocity
Literature Review
Other Theorists Robert Thornberg Jane Mills Ann Bonner Karen Francis Antony Bryant
Current State of CGT Valuable for developing theories directly from the data Held in high regard Contemporary inquiry Evolving methodology capable of change
It is impossible to separate the inquirer from the inquired into. It is precisely their interaction that creates the data that will emerge from the inquiry. Mills, Bonner, & Francis 2006