The rock cycle is a group of changes, other rocks can change to other rock. The rocks change because of cooling, melting, weathering and erosion, heat and pressure, compacting and cementation
Igneous rock is formed when magma is cooled down and makes crystals. It also can form underground where magma is cooling slower. Or it can be formed above ground where it is cooled quicker. Igneous rocks are normally found near volcanic activity. Igneous rocks are hardened magma and other materials from a volcano that have formed over time. Igneous rocks are used for when sheets of igneous rock are cut and polished, they are used inside buildings such as banks and offices, and are also used as gravestones.
Sedimentary rocks are formed in places where there has been water at one time. Little pieces of our earth have been eroded--broken down and worn away by wind and water. These little bits of our earth are washed downstream where they settle to the bottom of the rivers, lakes, and oceans. Sedimentary rocks are found all over the place. Coal is burned to create energy, Sandstone and limestone are used as building stone and in the production of glass Salt is an essential food
Metamorphic rocks are formed by the alteration of pre- existing rocks from exposure to heat and pressure while remaining in a solid form. Metamorphism occurs by breaking bonds between atoms in a mineral so that the atoms rearrange themselves into new, more stable, mineral forms. They are found deep underground, at the base of mountains, in zones radiating from intrusions of magma underground, on glaciated terrain after transportation by ice, or on the surface of eroded mountains. It is used for marble, quartzite, and slate
Firstly, sediments are solid fragments of inorganic or organic material. The bulk of sediment is formed from the weathering of rock, wherein the rock is broken into smaller and smaller pieces Almost everywhere If an area looks like it doesn’t have sediments it’s because the current there is moving the smaller particles away and leaving behind only the larger ones Sediment is used for They are used for gravel and other household utensils another use is as chalk on a black board in primary school and other places.
Magma is formed at hot spots in the mantle where hot material undergoes decompression melting as it rises. Magma is found beneath earths surface because the ground has porous and it seeps through. Magma is used on earth when a volcanic eruption happens the magma which is also known as lava comes out and the lava dry's and hardens into new landforms.
Igneous Rocks › Andesite › Pumice › Obsidian Sedimentary Rocks › Siltstone › Sandstone › Shale Metamorphic Rocks › Slate › Marble › Gneiss