“The Gospel accounts are reliable historical documents that give trusted historical facts.”
A collection of 27 documents Written on 27 different scrolls by 8 writers Over a year period in the first century
The New Testament has more manuscripts for reconstructive study than great classical literature. Over 5,600 manuscripts in handwritten Greek Over 9,000 manuscripts in other languages Iliad by Homer – 643 ancient copies
The New Testament has earlier manuscripts to the time of original writings than those of classical literature. John Rylands fragment, A.D Complete N.T. books, from A.D. 200 Complete New Testament, A.D. 325 Iliad by Homer, about a 500 year gap, but most ancient works are 1,000 years or more
Nearly the entire New Testament could be reconstructed from quotations by early church fathers from 2 nd and 3 rd centuries – such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement, Origen, Tertullian.
Criteria to test historicity of documents: Do we have eyewitness testimony? Do we have testimony from multiple, independent eyewitness sources? Are the eyewitnesses trustworthy? Do we have corroborating evidence from archaeology or other writers? Does the testimony contain events or details that are embarrassing to the authors?
New Testament writers claimed to be or informed by eyewitnesses. Apostles boldly claimed (Acts 2:32). Audiences knew of the events and could verify it (Acts 26:25-26; 1 Corinthians 15:6). Writers were willing to be persecuted. Time span between events and reporting was too small to be a legend.
More than 30 historically confirmed people are included in the New Testament writing. Credibility was sustained. Same characters cited by non-Christian writers – Josephus, Tacitus, Philo.
Divergent details among eyewitness accounts strengthen the case that the truth is being told. Not collusion Different complimentary details and same major facts Simon Greenleaf, Harvard law professor: ▪ Gospel accounts “would have been received in evidence in any court of justice, without the slightest hesitation.”
New Testament writers told embarrassing facts about themselves. Slow to believe, argued over who would be greatest, slept when asked to watch… Rebuked the Lord, betrayed the Lord, ran away when the Lord was taken captive…
“We did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” 2 Peter 1:16