UNIT #2 – INDUSTRIALIZATION LESSON #1 - Unites States Industrializes (92-93)
Essential Questions What does “industrialization” mean? Why was USA able to industrialize so fast?
Key Vocab GNP (Gross National Product) Natural Resources Transcontinental Railroad Kerosene Edwin Drake Titusville Reason for population growth Effect of better living conditions
Intro to lesson What is industry? What is an “industrial nation” How can you tell? How are we more advanced than… say… an African nation? What does a nation need in order to be an “industrial” nation?
AN INDUSTRIAL NATION (nouns and adjectives)… Factories Making cars and stuff like that Very busy Work Lots of jobs Engineering Technology Mass production Involved in trade Made in the USofA
AN INDUSTRIAL NATION (textbook answers)… Natural resources Labor force (workers) Transportation Inventions (creative freedom) A stable government that encourages it
Why would a country benefit from industrializing?
What are some negative effects of industrializing?
Natural Resources USA was loaded with Natural resources – List some of them: So, we could manufacture without importing Many were located out west What should the government do to encourage getting people out west and products back east? Timber Coal Iron copper Transcontinental Railroad 4m p. 92
A Large Workforce American population growing : population TRIPLED Stimulated by, and stimulated industrial growth – More people for cheap labor – More labor for cheap people The poor immigrants
American Immigration What were reasons people wanted to come to America? Who were the American immigrants in late 1800s? Search for a better life, Escape oppressive governments & religious persecution p million immigrants Europe China
Homework: Worksheet graphic organizer