Representative Government vs. Monarchy
Representative Government Representative Government - a form of government where members of a country vote for a legislature Example – USA, Canada, Australia, etc. Legislature – A group of people that makes the laws for a state or country.
Monarchy Monarchy – a form of government with one ruler. That ruler is usually born into his/her position Ex – King George III of Great Britain
John Adams Quote Presses – a colonial printing press used to copy newspapers, books, etc. Pulpits – a speaker’s stand in a church Crown officers – British government officials (King George III and Parliament) Tremble - to shake in fear “Our presses have groaned, our pulpits have thundered, our legislatures have resolved, our towns have voted, the crown officers everywhere trembled.”
JOHN ADAMS QUOTE “Our presses have groaned, our pulpits have thundered, our legislatures have resolved, our towns have voted, the crown officers everywhere trembled.” What key words in John Adam’s quote let you know that he believed in a representative government? True or false – John Adams believed that colonial protests and boycotts were making British government afraid of the colonists. Support your answer with detail from the quote.