CFN 201 High School Principals’ Meeting Thursday, September 27, :00 – 3:45 p.m.
Agenda Welcome Introduction and Overview Activity 1: Competencies and Language of The Danielson’s Framework Activity 2: From low inference data to feedback Identifying Next Steps Academic Policy 2.0 Planning for the January Regents PPR Goals
Supporting Implementation of the CIE: School Instructional Leads Principals will identify a set of Instructional Leads (1 – 8 per school) to support school-wide instructional initiatives. Instructional Leads will work with school leadership and the Network Team to: - Analyze teacher and student work for quality and Common Core alignment - Lead or participate in school-wide inquiry cycles - Implement professional learning experiences that are informed by the learning needs of teachers/students - Help develop and lead peer-mediated activities anchored by Danielson’s Framework for Teaching to build a shared understanding of what constitutes effective teaching
Goals for Today Commence work with the CIE Review and analyze the language of Danielson’s Framework (DF) Categorize data by DF competency Prioritize data for feedback purposes Determine where data falls on the DF continuum Consider what constitutes high leverage feedback
Intended Outcomes By the end of our session today, we will have: ◦ Looked carefully at DF Competencies ◦ Analyzed the distinctions across the DF continuum ◦ Coded data as per DF competency ◦ Determined priority competency for feedback ◦ Identified where data of priority competency falls on the DF continuum ◦ Considered feedback to move teachers to the next level as per the DF continuum
CIE & Danielson’s Framework 1. Teacher development focuses on supporting all students to meet the Common Core standards. a. Schools will strengthen the common language and understanding of what quality teaching looks like by deepening the school community’s comprehension of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.
CIE Focus Competencies 1e: Designing coherent instruction 3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 3d: Using assessment in instruction Additional TEP Competencies: ◦ 2b: Establishing a culture for learning ◦ 2d: Managing student behavior ◦ 3c: Engaging students in learning ◦ 4e: Growing and developing professionally
Activity 1: DF Competencies Part 1: Identifying Domain & Competency ◦ In your triad, take out your DF level of performance squares ◦ Read the squares together ◦ Determine which Domain/Competency they represent ◦ Align squares across the continuum showing the levels of performance [I - D - E - HE] ◦ You may not have all 4 levels for each competency!
Activity 1, cont’d Part 2: Identify distinguishing language for each level of performance ◦ Highlight/underline the words/phrases in each square that distinguish one level of performance from another ◦ With your triad, discuss your understanding of this language and what it means
Activity 1, cont’d Part 3: Articulating teacher/student actions that fall along the continuum ◦ Read through each DF Competency, paying particular attention to critical attributes ◦ Discuss what each level of performance looks like, sounds like, feels like ◦ Write 2-3 examples you would see/hear in a classroom that match each level of performance
Activity 1: Whole Group Share What did you notice about the distinguishing language? What distinguishes D from E? What distinguished E from HE? What a-ha insights did you and your triad members have while doing Activity 1?
CIE: Supporting Teacher Growth School leaders will conduct frequent formative classroom observations and provide teachers with formative feedback and professional development to support improved practice in identified competencies and across a common framework.
Activity 2: Using DF Competencies with Classroom Data Part 1: ‘Code’ the data ◦ In your triad, read each line of the classroom observation transcript, and ‘code it’ using the 7 DF Competencies (1e, 2b, 2d, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4e) ◦ Write your coding (1e. 2b, 2d, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4e) in the column labeled ‘Competency’
Activity 2, cont’d Part 2: Identifying a priority Competency as a high leverage area ◦ Review the transcript coding ◦ What Competencies are have been identified? ◦ Which Competency is most critical for this teacher at this time?
Activity 2, cont’d Part 3: Where does your ‘priority’ area fall on the continuum? ◦ Look at the transcript coded items one by one alongside the DF competency continuum ◦ Identify where the data falls on the DF competency continuum: I-D-E-HE
Activity 2, cont’d Part 4: Consider what to provide feedback on and how to articulate next steps ◦ Which area is highest in terms of leverage for this teacher at the present time? ◦ What specific actions could this teacher take to move/shift practice? ◦ What would the next steps be and how would they fall on the continuum? ◦ Provide an example
Activity 2: Whole Group Share What are you taking away from doing this activity? ◦ A-ha moments? ◦ Insights? ◦ Next Steps?
Reflecting on the morning Please take the next 5-10 minutes to respond to the 4-square reflection sheet Please provide your name so that we can tailor support (box 4) to your needs Thank you for your feedback!