Deep exploration of academic issues Impression of Taiwan Appreciating Sociocultural difference.


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Presentation transcript:

Deep exploration of academic issues Impression of Taiwan Appreciating Sociocultural difference

7:30-8:00Arrivals & City Tour Breakfast 8:10-9:10Opening Ceremony Keynote Lectures (II, III, IV)Departures 9:10-9:30Tea Break 9:30-11:20Personal Presentation Working Group Discussion (I) Working Group Discussion (II) Plenary Session 11:30-12:30School Presentation 12:30-13:30Lunch 14:00-16:00Keynote Lecture (I) Personal Presentation Academic Visit Case Scenario Presentation School Presentation 16:00-16:20Tea Break 16:20-18:20Panel Discussion A, B, C, D Panel Discussion E,F,G,H Closing Speech Closing Ceremony 18:30-19:30Welcome Party DinnerClosing Banquet 19:30-21:30Exploring 22:00-22:30Case Scenario Orientation

Academic issues Triad Medical- sociological problems Biomedical science Humanity

國別學校 台灣國立台灣大學 國立陽明大學 國立成功大學 中山醫學大學 中國醫藥大學 國防大學 泰國宋卡王子大學 香港香港大學 中國廣州中山大學 上海交通大學 日本東北大學 俄羅斯 Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I.Mechnikov I.M. Sechenov Moscow medical academy 印度 Jawaharlal Institute of Post graduate Medical Education & Research 尼泊爾 Tribhuvan University 美國約翰霍普金斯大學 德國歌德大學 澳洲新南威爾斯大學 菲律賓菲律賓大學

 Interest in academic issues  Language skill and communication ability  Experience and capability in public affairs or general affairs  Being good at art-design, web, or photography

WHAT CAN YOU GET?  Understanding of multi-disciplinary medical issues  Sociocultural experience  Planning and arranging a large-scale international symposium  Publicizing, fundraising, general affairs