1 Development schedule of Static IFO Simulation (SIS) Basic building blocks »Framework »mirror, cavity or propagator, detector FP cavity »Simple locking, validation using modal model, BBs’ FFT »RF sidebands Tools for complex IFO »Identification of necessary Physics ingredients –RSE and Arm cavity detuning –optical spring - static - by hand ? –… »Implementation of / interface with thermal lens »Analytic formulation to setup good initial condition »simple locking algorithm for complex IFO Signal recycled Michelson cavity »First simple, yet realistic model
2 Development schedule of Static IFO Simulation (SIS) Dual recycled Michelson cavity »Complex full model »capable of simulating stable cavity Realistic lock, alignment control »No-noise, infinite gain case Telescope »Propagation of field to detector through telescope Include optical spring dynamics
3 Mirror / lens ROC - HR ROC - AR Wedge angle Refractive index Optical path length Amplitude and phase maps of reflection and transmission Map : analytic formula using Zernike/Hermite/Laguerre and/or mesh data thickness diameter coated region