ABT Maintenance Management Maintenance Management ABTEF 16/05/204 T. Fowler
ABT Maintenance Management In 2012 a new CERN-wide Maintenance Management Project (MMP) was launched to ensure that the maintenance of the LHC and its injector chain is planned and performed to achieve optimum reliability. Expectations for a CERN-wide approach: Centralisation and sharing of information and data. Common Informatics tools for the maintenance management Common Operational User interfaces Link: MMP Concept Report Link : MMP Website
ABT Maintenance Management TE-ABT were officially asked to participate in the project in 2013 and a small team (R. Noulibos, L. Coralejo, T. Fowler) have been working with the MFIO, initially to define the ABT group’s needs and possible contributions, and latterly to establish a test application using thyratron switches as the maintainable element.
ABT Maintenance Management Agenda 1. Overview of Maintenance (and Asset) Management (T. Fowler, 15’) 2. Maintenance methods and policy in EC section (R. Barlow, 15’) 3. Maintenance methods and policy in FPS section (L. Coralejo, 15’) 4. Maintenance methods and policy in SE section (J. Borburgh, 15’) 5. Maintenance of safety-critical systems (LBDS) (R. Rosol, 10’) 6. Computer-aided procedures for safety critical systems (K. Misiowiec, 10’) 7. Summary and future developments (T. Fowler, 10' + discussion time) It has become increasingly clear with time that the resources required to implement the goals of the MMP within the proposed time frame are (far) greater than the resources available in many of the implicated technical groups, including TE-ABT. This has triggered a CERN-wide review of the MMP ( planned for June 2014). This ABTEF will serve as preparation for this, but mainly it is to stimulate discussion and analysis of what ABT really needs to do to optimize the availability of our various systems and equipment and which aspects of the proposed MMP framework are relevant to this.
Asset Management There are many definitions of Asset Management. Three with relevance to CERN: ISO 5000 defines Asset management as the "coordinated activity of an organization to realize value from assets". ISO 5000 Asset management, broadly defined, refers to any system that monitors and maintains things of value to an entity or group. It may apply to both tangible assets such as buildings and to intangible concepts such as intellectual property and goodwill.intellectual propertygoodwill The practice of managing assets to achieve the greatest return (particularly useful for productive assets such as plant and equipment), and the process of monitoring and maintaining facilities and systems, with the objective of providing the best possible service to users (appropriate for public infrastructure assets). TE-ABT appropriate definition: Asset management refers to the process by which system data (specifications, simulations, design drawings, risk analyses, tender documents, etc) and physical items produced or procured according to this data are managed to optimize system performance and reliability.
Asset Life-cycle Requirements and Specifications Requirements and Specifications Review System Design Prototyping Design Review Procurement & Construction Installation & Commissioning OperationDecommissioning Testing & validation Operation Consolidation Operation Decommissioning Engineering Risk Analysis Decommissioning AAAAAA Conceptual Specification Beam simulations Engineering Specification Risk Analysis R&S Review Simulations & Calculations, Engineering drawings, Design notes, Software, Operator notes, Maintenance Plans, Safety File, Part specifications, Planning and budget, Naming Convention Test results, logbook, Parts data Parts, Tracking Design Review Tender documents Purchasing documents Parts Tender documents Purchasing documents Data sheets, Test results, Parts Installation planning Survey,Commissioning data, Parts, Tracking Logbook, Fault history, Operational data (cycle history, Vcc, etc.), Parts, Tracking Consolidation specifications Logbook, Fault history, Operational data (cycle history, Vcc, etc.), Parts, Tracking Decommissioning planning Survey, Decommissioning data, Parts, Tracking
Asset Life-cycle Requirements and Specifications Requirements and Specifications Review System Design Prototyping Design Review Procurement & Construction Installation & Commissioning OperationDecommissioning Testing & validation Operation Consolidation Operation Decommissioning Engineering Risk Analysis Decommissioning AAAAAA Conceptual Specification Beam simulations Engineering Specification Risk Analysis R&S Review Simulations & Calculations, Engineering drawings, Design notes, Software, Operator notes, Maintenance Plans, Safety File, Part specifications, Planning and budget, Naming Convention Test results, logbook, Parts data Parts, Tracking Design Review Tender documents Purchasing documents Parts Tender documents Purchasing documents Data sheets, Test results, Parts Installation planning Survey,Commissioning data, Parts, Tracking Logbook, Fault history, Operational data (cycle history, Vcc, etc.), Parts, Tracking Consolidation specifications Logbook, Fault history, Operational data (cycle history, Vcc, etc.), Parts, Tracking Decommissioning planning Survey, Decommissioning data, Parts, Tracking Maintenance management essentially covers this part of the life-cycle However decisions affecting maintenance management begin here, particularly reliability considerations Maintainability should be included from the design phase
Asset Life-cycle Requirements and Specifications Requirements and Specifications Review System Design Prototyping Design Review Procurement & Construction Installation & Commissioning OperationDecommissioning Testing & validation Operation Consolidation Operation Decommissioning Engineering Risk Analysis Decommissioning AAAAAA Link: FNAL Eng. Manual
Engineering Risk Analysis Engineering Risk ElementHigh ChapterABCDEFGRiskSubtotalAssessment 1Requirements and Specifications22 3 ≥107Standard Risk 3Requirements and Specification Review ≥1614Standard Risk 4System Design ≥19 High Risk 5Engineering Design Review ≥19 High Risk 6Procurement and Implementation ≥16 High Risk 7Testing and Validation2 334≥1312Standard Risk 8Release to Operations 3 ≥43Standard Risk 9Final Documentation 2 3 ≥75Standard Risk Project Risk ElementHigh HIJKLMNORiskSubtotalAssessment ≥2520Standard Risk Engineering Risk ElementsProject Risk Elements ATechnologyHSchedule BEnvironmental ImpactIInterfaces CVendor IssuesJExperience / Capability DResource AvailabilityKRegulatory Requirements ESafetyLProject Funding FQuality RequirementsMProject Reporting Requirements GManufacturing ComplexityNPublic Impact OProject Cost
Asset Life-cycle Engineering Risk ElementHigh ChapterABCDEFGRiskSubtotalAssessment 1Requirements and Specifications22 3 ≥107Standard Risk 3Requirements and Specification Review ≥1614Standard Risk 4System Design ≥19 High Risk 5Engineering Design Review ≥19 High Risk 6Procurement and Implementation ≥16 High Risk 7Testing and Validation2 334≥1312Standard Risk 8Release to Operations 3 ≥43Standard Risk 9Final Documentation 2 3 ≥75Standard Risk Project Risk ElementHigh HIJKLMNORiskSubtotalAssessment ≥2520Standard Risk Engineering Risk ElementsProject Risk Elements ATechnologyHSchedule BEnvironmental ImpactIInterfaces CVendor IssuesJExperience / Capability DResource AvailabilityKRegulatory Requirements ESafetyLProject Funding FQuality RequirementsMProject Reporting Requirements GManufacturing ComplexityNPublic Impact OProject Cost
Industrial Maintenance Strategies Four general types of maintenance philosophies can be identified, namely corrective, preventive, risk-based and condition-based maintenance. In practice, all these types are used in maintaining electrical equipment. The challenge is to optimize the balance between the types for maximum system reliability.
Types of Maintenance This strategy may be cost-effective until catastrophic faults occur. 1. Corrective maintenance Maintenance is carried out following detection of an anomaly and aimed at restoring normal operating conditions. This approach is based on the firm belief that the costs sustained for downtime and repair in case of fault are lower than the investment required for a maintenance programme. The maintenance cycles are planned according to the need to take the device out of service. The incidence of operating faults is reduced. 2. Preventive maintenance Maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria, aimed at reducing the failure risk or performance degradation of the equipment.
Types of Maintenance All equipment displaying abnormal values is refurbished or replaced. In this way it is possible to extend the useful life and guarantee over time high levels of reliability, safety and efficiency of the plant.refurbishedreplaced 3. Risk-based maintenance Maintenance carried out by integrating analysis, measurement and periodic test activities to standard preventive maintenance. The gathered information is viewed in the context of the environmental, operation and process condition of the equipment in the system. The aim is to perform the asset condition and risk assessment and define the appropriate maintenance program.the asset condition and risk assessment
Types of Maintenance This strategy, in the long term, allows reducing drastically the costs associated with maintenance, thereby minimizing the occurrence of serious faults and optimizing the available economic resources management. 4. Condition-based maintenance Maintenance based on the equipment performance monitoring and the control of the corrective actions taken as a result. The real actual equipment condition is continuously assessed by the on-line detection of significant working device parameters and their automatic comparison with average values and performance. Maintenance is carried out when certain indicators give the signaling that the equipment is deteriorating and the failure probability is increasing. The real actual equipment condition is continuously assessed
ABT Maintenance Strategies TypeElement example CorrectiveReplacement of failed electronic card PreventiveAdustment of thyratron reservoir voltage Risk-basedReplacement of Septum magnet after n million pulses Condition-basedMonitoring of leakage current in GTO switches Application of Preventive, Risk-based and Condition-based Maintenance has to align to the constraints imposed by the schedule of Operational physics, Technical stops and Shutdowns. Corrective maintenance requires that good intervention & diagnosis procedures are available to reduce the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), especially relevant for piquet where expert knowledge may not be available. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) values have to be very large for safety- critical systems. May not be feasible hence the need to design in redundancy and other mitigation measures. Degraded operation may be acceptable in certain scenarios, e.g. one ring of PSB missing
Maintenance Management Program Link: NMMP Guide