Putting the Pieces Together
College Planning Steps Career Planning College Exploration Self-Expression Financial Planning
Career Planning
Community Service Informational Interviews Career Shadowing Internships Work
College Exploration
Your qualifications Campus culture Distance from home Extracurricular activities Religious affiliation Cost of attendance Outside learning options Support programs
College Exploration
Campus tours College fairs Summer programs Local information sessions
Essays and Personal Statements Interviews Auditions and Portfolios
Financial Planning
Understanding costs Scholarships FAFSA CSS Profile
College Planning Calendar
January through May Take the SAT and/or ACT Attend campus tours and college fairs Start career planning activities
June through August Write the Personal Statement Take a class Work or volunteer Do a summer program Narrow down your list of colleges
September & October Make a final list of 5 to 7 colleges Attend college fairs and school visits Ask teachers for recommendations Request transcripts Apply for scholarships Apply to schools with November deadlines
November & December Finish college applications Complete the FAFSA Apply for scholarships weekly Continue to focus on schoolwork
January through March Wait for letters of admission Wait for financial aid awards Wait for scholarship letter Don’t wait to apply for more scholarships
April through Summer Make final college choice Send deposit (by May 1 st ) Don’t overspend on prom Plan to attend orientation sessions Work and save money
College Momentum Academy Roadmap to Your Career Saturday, January 30th Finding the Right College Fit Saturday, February 20th Powerful Personal Statements Saturday, March 19th Scholarship Strategies Saturday, April 23rd
Felice Rollins CollegeMomentumAcademy.c om