Actions and Procedures to be Developed Develop Advising marketing brochure Connecting first-time developmental reading students with Advisor/Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Develop Advising marketing brochure Connecting first-time developmental reading students with Advisor/Education Coach for reading communities in point-of- assessment advising process Connecting first-time developmental math students with Advisor/Education Coach for math communities in point-of-assessment advising process

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Placement Procedures for ensuring proper placement: Role of tracker in identifying and properly placing misplaced students Role of instructors in identifying and properly placing misplaced students, especially during the week before class starts Role of reading and math advisor/education coaches in identifying and properly placing misplaced students

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Financial Aid Advisor/Education Coach will from point-of-assessment advising insure that student takes responsibility for applying and reapplying for financial aid. Advisor/Education Coach may offer workshops on applying for financial aid.

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Educational Planning How will advisor/education coach initiate educational planning process (ex. every advisee will get an APP with explanation)? How will advisor/education coach work with academic success instructor in education planning process?

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Connection Advisor/education coach becomes personal advisor at point-of-assessment advising and continues as personal advisor and education coach until completion Advisor/education coach required office advising and education planning conferences with advisees twice during semester Advisor/education coach visits learning community academic success classrooms and works with instructor on educational planning All learning community instructors meet with or conference with their students to provide feedback and listen to student’s concerns Procedures and tools for maintaining contact with learning community students until completion

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Identifying with Learning Community Program Develop Senate Bill 1 Learning Community Program brochure Beginning of semester orientation (when and how to have a social integration (not dissemination of information) orientation SB1 LC Program social events (ex. pizza parties; recognition, etc.)Advisor/Education Coach will organize social events

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Integration of Course Content SB 1 Learning Community Courses redesigned to insure that the content of one course is related to content in other courses and to help students make connections to that content How to insure that the content of each course is related to content in other SB1 Learning Community courses EXAMPLES: Incorporate reading strategies and habits of mind in all SB1 Learning Community Courses Integration of academic success course’s time management procedures in all SB1 Learning Community Courses. How to apply math concepts to other courses How to use writing to learn to clarify and organize math, academic success and reading concepts.

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Early Alert Referral for At-Risk Students Early Alert Referral is built around two areas, which put students at-risk: Academic Problems and Non-Academic Problems Early Alert Referral System (EARS) 1.Attendance, Participation, and Homework (taking self-responsibility for learning) 2.Academic Problems (learning problems, underpreparedness) 3. NonAcademic Problems (daycare, transportation, financial aid, personal problems, etc.) 4. Disruptive Behavior (is student behavior in a classroom or other learning environment which disrupts the educational process.) 5. Mental Stress (depression, alcohol and drug, suicide, etc.) 6. Financial Aid (failure to register or renew financial aid) How do SB1 Learning Community instructors assess for the following early warning signs and what procedures should be followed for referral (ex. instructor conference - refer to advisor/education coach, etc.): stops attending classes shows unexplainable disinterest fails to turn in assignments consistently or is consistently late with assignments indicates dissatisfaction, problems, or lack of purpose in behavior or conversations fails exams or quizzes consistently has difficulty interpreting or organizing material contained in textbooks

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction and Learning Centers Should supplemental instruction be required for SB1 LC math students; if not how to maximize use of supplemental instruction? How to refer students to free tutoring Guidelines and Procedures for referring students to learning centers (math lab, writing center, reading/learning center)

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Develop a PBWiki for faculty sharing of reviews of the literature, research, and ideas on teaching and learning

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Faculty Professional Learning Community Create opportunities SB1 multi-disciplinary faculty and staff engaged in an active, collaborative, yearlong program to enhance teaching and learning, and community building by either meetings or discussion board

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Regular Follow Up Meetings Set dates for faculty/staff follow up on student/course(s)/program progress

Actions and Procedures to be Developed Achieving the Dream Analyze how the Senate Bill 1 Learning Community is aligning with Commonwealth Transformation Initiative and Achieving the Dream Initiative