Tween Tribune Scavenger Hunt Directions O Select an article of your choice or one that you have been assigned. O Preview the article first: read the title, headings, and captions, and skim the article for key words and ideas. O Read the article once through, then go back and close-read a second time. Now you can complete the items in the organizer.
Author’s purpose /point of view O This can be one of three things: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain. Choose one and explain why. How does the author convey (express this)? O Does not meet: to inform O Meets: The author is informing the reader about… O Exceeds: The author’s purpose is to inform the reader about__________. The author accomplishes this by_________________.
Hook/attention grabber O This is a word, sentence, or phrase the author uses to get the reader’s attention. It is usually the first or second sentence in the introduction, but not always. Hooks can be: O Statements/facts O Interesting questions O Quotations O Figurative language O If you feel that you cannot find a hook, check with a teacher. If the opening of the article is not anything special, write what you think the hook is, and you can even make a suggestion: what could have the author written to grab the reader’s attention? O If you can’t find a hook, or if the hook is not that interesting, list any headings or other elements that stand out and make the article seem worth reading.
Central idea/key details O This is the “main” idea of a text – the most important point the author is trying to communicate. O Write the central idea in your own words, or if you need to, select a sentence in the text that seems to best express this. O The key details provide supporting evidence for the central idea (these are specific examples).
3 proper nouns O Names O Places O Special buildings, i.e. schools, businesses, etc. O Cities, states, countries O Special geographic locations O Official titles (Dr. Cohen, Principal Trach, President Obama) – Senator, General, etc.
Pronoun/antecedent agreement O Find a sentence with a pronoun/antecedent agreement. A pronoun refers to a noun that comes before it. The pronoun replaces the noun. O For example: The students were working hard in the lab. They were reading Tween Tribune and completing a graphic organizer. “They” is the pronoun, “students” is the antecedent.
Unfamiliar/interesting words For this section, you will pick out a word you are unfamiliar with. Or it can be a strong and effective word the author uses to express an idea. O Write the word. O Write the sentence in which the word is found. O Write the meaning of the word in your own words.
Figurative language Identify any figurative language used by the author. List the type of figurative language used. Explain how it is being used. Type of fig. lang. example SimileThe tornado sounded like a roaring dragon. MetaphorThe scientist’s idea was a light at the end of a tunnel. PersonificationThe crickets sang and danced in the summer night. HyperboleI was so tired, I could have slept for 100 years. Imagery (sensory language) AlliterationRoad Rage, Far Out Future, Set Sail