Grows the crop commodities and determines readiness for harvest
Removes the edible portion(s) from the field or animal
Processor: cleans, separates, handles and prepares the food Grader: Puts a mark on the food for quality Packer : puts in boxes, bins, crates, bags, etc for shipment * Often done at same location or even by same person in small scale ag*
Stores the food until requests are received to transport to a different location
- Wholesaler: Sells to retailer in large quantities (bulk) - Retailer: - Retailer: Sells directly to the consumer. Examples would include grocery stores and restaurants
- Person/people purchasing and/or consuming product
There is a need for the trucker/transporter in every step!
Production Manufacturing Distribution Marketing * HUGE Career potential in each!*
Cereals and bakery products Meats, fish and poultry Dairy products Fruits and vegetables Sugars and other sweets Fats and oils Beverages *bold = biggest in our area
Review You are about to start first lab – expectations: (notes section below) › Lab/Food Safety › Equipment/Clean Up › Lab Groups › ipad use/cell phone use › Lab notebooks
Work with group; record indiv. in lab notebook : 1. Draw the process of applesauce from farm to fork with detail 2. Watch applesauce video with groups via 1 ipad; record detailed procedure 3. Check one notebook from your group with Mrs. Propson 4. Write lab questions (next slide) in notebook. 5. Begin making applesauce with group and answer lab questions in lab notebook while applesauce cooks. (DUE TOMORROW) 6. Allow applesauce to cool to enhance flavor, add cinnamon if desired, clean workspace during this time then enjoy applesauce.
Work with group; record indiv. in lab notebook : 1. In life networking is important – find three things your group members all have in common and list. 2. Applesauce is a value added product. Hypothesize what “value added product” means and why 3. Our apple sauce had cinnamon to add flavoring. Record 5+ other ingredients we could add to change the flavor of the apple sauce for the BETTER! 4. In America many children think food comes from the grocery store. With your group brainstorm a way to teach younger children about farm to fork. Write out a PLAN OF ACTION (ie show/explain the coloring sheet you drew to give to kids, the rap you created that you could sing, the puppet show script, etc. ) 5. Reflect upon how your applesauce compares to store bought applesauce/others you have tried.