North Carolina GEM Project 2010 Matthew Krakowsky Major Goodman Dale Dowden Oliver Ott Jill Recker
Personnel Changes Jill Recker –New PhD graduate student as of July 1 –Co-advised by P Balint-Kurti –Working on 1) Mapping of resistance genes, 2) GEM x GEM, and 3) organic hybrids?
Field Program – Yield Trials Approx yield trial plots in NC –Six NC locations (Clayton, Kinston, Lewiston, Plymouth, Salisbury, Sandhills) –Mostly low yields this year (heat, drought) –Dropping Sandhills, Plymouth in 2011 Additional 6700 plots coordinated from Raleigh –Three public cooperators (West, UT; Murray, TAMU; Blanco/Engstrom, Ames)
–Five private company cooperators (Syngenta; Pioneer; Dekalb; Mycogen; Pannar) –Lost two public cooperators and one private cooperator in 2010 as compared with 2009 Field Program – Yield Trials
Germplasm in trials S 1 ’s of GEM Breeding crosses S 2 ’s of GEM Breeding crosses S 3 ’s and S 4 ’s of GEM Breeding crosses GEM released lines Tester combinations
Germplasm in trials Potential new germplasm for breeding crosses –CIMMYT inbreds –IITA inbreds –CIMMYT prebreeding germplasm –BS28 and BS29 selections
S 2 ’s of GEM Breeding crosses New tester combinations GEM released lines Trophy and other TAAT germplasm Breeding crosses (x tester) Potential new germplasm for breeding crosses: Landraces from LAMP, CIMMYT prebreeding germplasm, HI inbreds Germplasm in future trials
Nursery Approx 3200 rows plus 1150 rows in isolation in 2009 –GEM S 1 ’s for S 2 development –Allelic Diversity –GEM x GEM crosses –Trophy Synthetic –GEM Breeding crosses for S 1 development –GEM bulk increases for released lines and potential releases
New Breeding Crosses Approximately 100 new breeding crosses developed –Seven tropical inbreds (89291, CML343, CML373, CML423, Ki43, NC296 and TZI8) –Fourteen mostly early-maturing ex-PVP inbreds (DJ7, DK78010, DK4676A, LH51, LH57, LH59, LH61, LH82, NK794, NKS8326, NS701, PHB47, PHG47, and Seagull 17) Not all combinations were made, esp. with NS701