By: Kenny Beltrante Monthly Budget and My Career
The career I have chosen to be is a computer programmer. I chose this career because I am good with computers and I want to make a lot of money. Computer programmers use knowledge to help create applications and systems for computer software. Programs can take from hours to years to complete. Computer programmers usually use different types of languages to complete work and focus on certain types of programming. Also, some computer programmers work part time for about a 40 hour week. My career and why I chose it
My yearly income from being a computer programmer is $80,050.00, my monthly income from being a computer programmer is $4, From a 30% deduction in taxes I earn $56, a year. My yearly income
ExpenseChoice #1Choice #2Total Cost Rent1 Bedroom = $ bedroom = $ Bedroom = $ PhoneHouse = $40.00Cell = $50.00 Electric$80.00 Cable/InternetBasic = $45.00Advanced = $90.00 HeatIncluded in Rent --- Motorbike PaymentBasic = $300.00Luxury = $ Motorbike Insurance$ Gasoline$ $ Credit Cards$ Food$75-$150+ $ Student Loans4 year = $200 Grad School = $ Medical School = $ Grad School = $ XBOX w/ games$400 $ Garage$125 $ My Budget Table SavingsChoiceTotal Vacation$ Holiday$50.00 Retirement$20.00
My Budget Chart
Net Monthly Income: $ Bills - Savings $ = $ My monthly income