Using iSIKHNAS for Budget Advocacy 2.1 What are performance indicators?
Objectives for this session At the end of this session you should be able to: – Describe the characteristics of a good performance indicator – Describe how performance indicators can be used – Identify possible performance indicators
What are performance indicators? Performance indicators are used to measure success in: – Progress towards a specific goal – Achievement of an operational goal Must be relevant to the desired goal. Example: – Goal: to reduce number of rabies cases to <20 per quarter – Performance indicator: the number of cases reported per quarter
SMART Performance indicators What is a good performance indicator? – Specific – must clear & understandable – Measurable – data available or can be obtained to calculate – Achievable – goal must be something that can realistically be achieved – Relevant – performance indicator (and goal) must be relevant to the overall outcomes for the activity – Timely – must be measured in a timely manner depending on the goal (weekly, monthly or annual)
Example 1 Rabies: – Goal: to reduce incidence of rabies in dogs by 20% in 3 years time – Performance indicator: % reduction each year (compared to start) provides a measure of progress towards the goal – The example shows progress to achieving the goal. The bars show the decreasing numbers of cases per year and the line the % reduction from the starting point. The green horizontal line shows the goal of 20% reduction – In this case the goal has been achieved (exceeded) in the third year
Example 2 Brucellosis: – Goal: Vaccination of 50% of heifer calves for brucellosis each year – Performance indicator: % of calves vaccinated each year – The graph bars show the last 5 years performance against the PI. Red line shows the goal (50%) – Performance was low for the first couple of years then was slightly above the goal for 2 years before dropping again. – Reasons for the sudden decrease and failure to reach the goal in year 5 should be investigated
Example 3 Priority disease response: – Goal: 80% response to a priority disease report within 24 hours and 95% within 48 hours (per month) – Performance indicators: % response within 24 hours, % response within 48 hours each month – The graph shows monthly response rates with 24 and 48 hours for the last 12 months and the 80% and 95% goals – The 80% Goal in 24 hours is being met (or nearly met) most of the time (10/12), but the 95% in 48 hours is only being met sometimes(5/12) – Reasons for failure in months when this occurs should be investigated and addressed.
Example 4 Priority disease response: – Performance indicators don’t have to be percentages – An alternative for response to priority disease might be average number of days to respond less than a set value – Goal: average time to respond to priority disease report < 1.5 days – Performance indicator: average time to respond to priority disease report (calculated per month) – The graph shows exceeding the goal for the first 6 months but declining and then only 2 of the last 6 months – Should investigate reasons for the decreasing performance – This only tells you the average performance, not how bad the worst cases might be
Discussion and questions?
Exercise Separate into groups of 4-5 Each group: (~20 minutes) – list 5 examples of possible performance indicators for different areas of activity: Field disease reporting and investigation? Laboratory testing? Priority disease programs (Rabies, HPAI, Anthrax, Brucellosis)? – for each performance indicator: What is the indicator? Does it have the characteristics of a “good” performance indicator. What is its purpose (what goal does it relate to)? how is it calculated? where would you get the data? groups report back and discuss (5-10 minutes each)
Discussion For each example presented, is it: – Clear? – Measurable? – Relate to a specific goal? – Is it a good performance indicator?
Final discussion and questions?
Session Summary Performance indicators are used to measure: – Progress towards a specific goal – Achievement of an operational goal Must be: – Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Relevant – Timely
Some additional examples (for discussion if necessary) Average time to respond to a priority disease report % of priority responses within 24 or 48 hours % of priority cases with laboratory samples submitted % of priority cases with a diagnosis % of responses as visits compared to by telephone % of all cases where a priority disease is diagnosed % of laboratory submissions that resulted in a laboratory confirmed diagnosis Average time from laboratory submission received to results reported % reduction in cases of a priority disease