Ohio/Governor: John Kasich Population: 11,563,504
Personal Life: Kasich: 59 years old Graduated from OH State Born: 5/13/1952 Wife: Karen Kasich Daughters: Emma & Reese
Political Life: 1982 – 9 terms in House of Reps. Chair of House Budget Committee Passed Budget Act Served in OH Senate Host for Fox News Ran for President in 2000 69th Governor of Ohio Republican Party
Created 450 jobs for Republic Steel Contribution #1 Created 450 jobs for Republic Steel
Contribution #2 Passed Balanced Budget Act
Lasting Importance Did so many things politically. House of Reps. Senator Congress Chairman Executive
Work Citied Biography." Web. 3 Apr. 2012. (EBSCO) "John Kasich." Web. 3 Apr. 2012. ( NGA) "Ohio Governor John Kasich." Web. 29 Mar. 2012.