Preventing Homelessness: The Housing Help Program Presentation to the National Alliance to End Homelessness United Way of New York City
2 Community Impact Strategy: Delivering Measurable Results United Way creates and supports programs that address the underlying causes of critical problems in order to achieve lasing improvement in the lives of our most vulnerable residents. We partner with neighborhood agencies, government, business, foundations and volunteers so that collectively we can achieve more than any one organization working alone. Sharing this common vision, we:
3 Overview: The Problem Community District 1 (South Bronx) identified as having one of the highest incidence of homeless shelter stays and eviction filings Findings from survey of 327 families in emergency shelters in NYC: –Most heads of homeless families are women with a relatively stable housing history before they entered shelter. –Heavy reliance on government assistance (in addition to work) to support families. –Destabilizing life events severely impact housing. Most had work histories and relatively high educational levels. –Almost half of all families experienced a prior informal or formal eviction. Most did not fight their eviction. –Recidivism high in the 2-year period immediately following shelter exit –Other high risk factors for homelessness: loss of public benefits, eviction, health problems, unemployment, family conflict, domestic violence, substance abuse, and incarceration. (Source: Vera Institute of Justice)
4 HHP Goals and Objectives HHP Mission: To prevent the immediate threat of eviction & stabilize families over time to reduce the risk of homelessness Principles : Availability -- By locating a unit within the courthouse, HHP makes services immediately accessible to families facing eviction. After the immediate housing crisis has been averted, the community based unit located near the Bronx housing court and in the neighborhood makes it possible for families to easily access services as long as they are needed. Responsiveness -- HHP addresses the full range of family needs, rather than a single problem at a time. Services identify and build on the strengths of the individual families and the available community services. Continuity -- HHP provides continuous care for families – from their initial housing crisis to their stabilization. This is accomplished through a team approach that ensures seamless services.
5 Client Flow
6 HHP Partner Structure Chart
7 Annual Targets Activity/ OutcomeAnnual Target Total Intake550 Eligible for at least one benefit (that they are not receiving or not receiving the full amount) 370 Application assistance for at least one benefit278 Receive Court-based social services550 Receive brief legal services370 Obtain legal representation180 Re-locate to permanent housing90 Eviction prevented441 Identified for community-based services248 Referred to CMU193 Receive services for identified social service issues121 Attend specialized service/receive treatment for three months79
8 HHP Report from Year 1 Client profile: 83% represent families, 17% of households are without children 60% are unemployed, 47% on Public Assistance 35% have been evicted before, 14% have prior stays in shelter Common issues clients are facing in order of prevalence are: Job training, education and placemen, money management, family functioning, mental health, children’s educational issues Services and Outcomes: 304 households received a mix of legal, financial, and social services, based on individual needs All HHP clients receive legal services and the majority of cases result in positive legal outcomes HHP clients get access to critical benefits including rent arrears programs, Public Assistance, Food Stamps, Medicaid, SSI, and utility bill subsidies Majority of clients are receiving short-term social services Community unit has successful initial engagement strategies
9 Lessons Learned from Year 1 Targeting needed to ensure the program serves those at greatest risk of homelessness Potential need for outreach High no-show/cancellation rates impact program scale Engagement challenges for clients who do not receive full legal representation Clients hesitant to accept critical long- term social services