Water Recycling
Why? Do you think water should be recycled? Why? How do you think water is recycled?
Domestic Water Usage
Water Treatment The mains water that comes into our homes has been treated and tested to ensure it meets the strict standard as laid down in the water regulations. This ensures the water is of drinking quality, the treatment of water to this standard is costly in both money and energy.
Water Treatment The same water that we use for drinking and washing we also use for flushing the toilet and irrigating our gardens. Using this highly treated water is considered by some to be wasteful. By using recycled water for these less critical applications the home owner / company can save money and help save the environment.
Rain Water Harvesting As the name suggests this system gathers the rain water from roofs and other flat non-porous surfaces, the water is collected using guttering and pipe work. The water passes through a first stage filter to remove leafs and other debris before being stored. Storage vessels can be above or below ground.
Below Ground Storage
Above Ground Storage
Rain Water Harvesting
Roofs & Driveways Rain water is collected from any large surface that the water would usually run off and go into the drainage system. Rain water harvesting reduces the load on the drainage systems that can be over loaded during times of heavy rain and can lead to flooding.
Collection System The collection system of guttering and pipework is usually a combination of the existing guttering of the building and additional pipework to plumb in the storage tank.
First Stage Filter The first stage filter is used to filter out any large pieces of debris this stops them from collecting in the bottom of the storage tank and clogging up the system.
Overflow The storage tanks are fitted with overflows, in the event of excessive rain fall the excess water will be diverted into the drainage system. This ensures the system does not back up and overflow.
Storage Tank To make the system economic the storage tank should be of a reasonable size. Underground tanks are expensive to install and can be very large, but when covered there is very little impact on space and looks. Above ground tanks are cheaper to install but take up space and can be an eye sore.
Main Filter The main filter processes the rain water making it suitable for use in the property. Most filters do not make the water suitable for drinking but it is suitable for other applications in the building. The filter unit usually incorporates a pump and control system.
Washing Machine The filtered rain water can be used in the washing machine.
W/C The filtered water can be used to flush the W/C.
Irrigation The filtered water can be used to water the garden and wash vehicles.
What is grey-water? What is black-water?
Grey-water Grey water is a term given to water that has been used once within the house / building but is not considered to be badly contaminated; water from the bath, shower, basin and washing machine is classed as grey water. Water from the W/C and bide is classed as black water and cannot be reused due to the high level of contamination.
Grey water system is similar in theory to rain water harvesting. The water is collected from appliances within the house e.g. shower, bath, basin, etc. and filtered. Due to the nature of the contamination the bacteria, soap, detergents, etc. a special filter unit needs to be used. The processed water can be stored in it’s own tank or in the rain water tank. The processed water can be used in the same applications as the water from the rain water harvesting.
Grey Water Recycling systems can help you save 35% to 40% of your total water consumption thereby saving on your water bills, and while saving money, you will also help save the Environment