2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs DoD SBIR/STTR Overview Omar Najibi, ByteCubed Deputy Program Manager Fall SBIR/STTR Summit December 1-3, 2015 | Austin, TX
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs DoD by the Numbers 600+ Topics per year 36% Of awardees have fewer than 9 employees 2,800 $1 Billion In awards from the DoD 25% First time awardees $31B In commercialized products & services Awards
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs DoD Components NavyAir ForceMissile Defense Agency (MDA) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Health Program (DHP) Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD) Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) Army
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs Eligibility Requirements Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 1 Organized for-profit U.S. business At least 51% U.S. owned by individuals and independently operated or fewer employees Intellectual Property Agreement PI’s primary employment with small business during project Small business is Prime, PI can be from SBC or Research Institution Formal Cooperative R&D Effort with a U.S. Research Institution Minimum 40% by small business, 30% by U.S. Research Institution Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs What’s Unique About DoD Focused on the Warfighter Largest SBIR program in the Federal Government DoD is both an investor and a customer Sole-sourcing allowed for follow-on awards Issues contracts not grants Retain data rights for 5 years Does not allow majority- owned by multiple VCOCs, equity, or hedge funds to participate
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs 3 Phased Program The SBIR/STTR Programs are structured in three phases. Phase I determines the scientific, technical and commercial merit and feasibility of the ideas submitted. Phase II is the major research and development effort, funding the prototyping and demonstration of the most promising Phase I projects. Phase III is the ultimate goal of each SBIR/STTR effort and statute requires that Phase III work be funded by sources outside the SBIR/STTR Program. Phase I: Feasibility Study Phase II: Full Research, R&D to Prototype Phase III: Commercialization
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs Overview Search archives (topics and awards) Search current topics Solicitation information Contact topic authors (SITIS) Start a proposal FAQs, HelpDesk, and training videos Welcome to the New Site sbir.defensebusiness.org
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs 1)Search topics and awards 2)Find out what technologies the DoD needs 3)Find the best component for your technology Air Platforms Chemical / Biological Defense Information Systems Technology Ground and Sea Vehicles Biomedical Space Platforms Human Systems Weapons Nuclear Technology Sensors, Electronics, and Battlespace Environment Archives Search Key Technology Areas
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs Click ‘Solicitations’ on the top menu to view instructions for each component. Instructions provide proposal submission and eligibility guidelines SBIR/STTR topics for each Component Solicitation Information
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs Ask questions on the SBIR/STTR Interactive Topic Information System (SITIS) Follow SITIS for new Topic references and Q&A from other businesses Asking Questions to Topic Authors (SITIS)
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs 1.Register to create an account and log in to My Portal. To start a proposal you can join or create a new firm 2.Join a firm by entering your firm’s DUNS Number, CAGE Code or Federal Tax ID & enter the firm’s password 3.Create a firm by completing the firm registration fields Join or Register Firm
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs The following are required at time of submission of your proposal Federal Tax ID (or SSN) SBA SBC ID ( The following are required at time of award: DUNS Number CAGE Code Both can be found on Note on Firm Information
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs My Portal 1)Start a Phase I, Phase II or Direct to Phase II Proposal 2)Access and edit your proposals 3)View: HTML and PDFs (Cover Sheet, Tech Volume, and Package) 4)Edit your firm information
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs Cover Sheet A complete proposal consists of 4 volumes: 1)Proposal Cover Sheet 2)Cost Volume 3)Technical Volume 4)Company Commercialization Report Completing a Proposal Cost Proposal
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs Proposal Verification Important Notes: 1)Review the proposal checklist to verify your firm’s CCR information 2)Check for verification alerts 3)Technical Volume is a PDF upload of a single file including all graphics and attachments Completing A Proposal
2015 DoD SBIR/STTR Programs Get in Touch Questions? Contact us! Connect with us! For additional information please visit: sbir.defensebusiness.orgsbir.defensebusiness.org To subscribe to our ListServ,