User Interface Lab. ISIE Jeong, Seok-Hyun Using the experience sampling method to evaluate ubicomp applications
User Interface Lab. ISIE The evaluation process is critical - For successful deploying new technologies - To help learn whether your applications meet the needs of your users - If not meeting, evaluations can help identify the reasons The terms of evaluation technique - Accommodate many participants in several environments - Take place in several settings and explore those different tasks - Collect both qualitative and quantitative data
User Interface Lab. ISIE Experience Sampling Method(ESM) - Time sampling, beeper study, ecological momentaty assessment - ESM does not require participants to recall - ESM reduces biases associated with participants being observed - ESM can involve much participants - ESM can collect structured data and unstructured data Considerations - Alerting - Delivering - Captureing - Device for ESM
User Interface Lab. ISIE Experiences - PDA-based ESM - 31 Subjects - Seven days, paricipants received 10randomly scheduled alerts per day(72 minute intervals), one alert occurred randomly Results