Living A Healthy Life Web Site Bryan Porcher 30 March 2006
Graphic Design Simple typefaces (i.e., Arial, Verdana) are easier to read Maintain visual consistency – Site Navigation – Page Colors Visually separate different layers of information – Utilize negative (empty) space – Reduce font sizes
Graphic Design (cont) Avoid using more than four colors Balance bright or intense colors with a dark, muted color About 5% of users are colorblind. Avoid red/green and blue/orange color combinations Maintain a large difference in contrast from the text and graphic elements on a page and the background color
Web Site Structure Home Page Category Pages Detail Pages
Home Page Design Living a Links to: Food Exercise Medical Meditation Direct the user to the healthful information available on this web site for people of all ages to help them age gracefully and hopefully avoid any disease and illness as much as possible. Healthy Life
Category Page Design Inform the user of the foods with nutritional benefits that reduce the risk of certain diseases. Eating for a Healthy Life ExerciseMedical Meditation Food Inform the user of the foods with nutritional benefits that promote the proper functioning of important body systems. Provide link to more detailed information, such as blueberries. Home Blueberries Broccoli Salmon
Detail Page Design Blueberries ExerciseMedical Meditation Food Blueberries are extremely high nutrients, full of flavor, but very low in calories. In a recent study, researchers at Tufts University analyzed sixty fruits and vegetables for antioxidants. Blueberries were rated highest in their capacity to destroy free radicals. Home Blueberries contain antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins which neutralize free radical damage to the collagen matrix of cells and tissues that can lead to cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease and cancer.
Schedule 2/9 - Project Startup 2/9 to 3/2- Analysis and Initial Design 3/2 - Formal Presentation 3/2 to 3/16- Analysis and Design Review 3/30- Architecture Delivery 3/16 to 4/20- Development 4/20 to 4/27- Testing and Modification 4/27- Product Delivery
Conclusion The Living A Healthy Life web site will provide information that promotes healthy life style decisions and attitudes. The Living A Healthy Life web site will emphasize the healthy attitudes and decisions over which an average person has the most control.
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