Using Prepositions Words that link a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence. Prepositions help a reader or listener understand the relationship of one word to another. PREPOSITIONS SHOW “POSITION!”
Preposition Word Bank about above across after against along around as at before behind below beneath beside between beyond by down during for from in into near of on over past through throughout to toward under until up with
Examples By the ocean Under your hat Over the cabinet In your kitchen Near the window Between the chair and desk. The ball was hit over the fence The shirt was by the dresser. Her socks were in the yard. The bug was inside the car.
Sometimes a few prepositions are made up of more than one word: For example: That is a good score according to the umpire. The fielders glove is next to the ball. Today, he bats first instead of batting cleanup.
It is often said never to end a sentence with a preposition It is often said never to end a sentence with a preposition. By changing the order of the words around you can often avoid using one at the end of a sentence. Here are some examples: Okay: Notice the ease Carlos hits the ball with. Better: Notice the ease with which Carlos hits the ball. I’m the one she’s sitting next to. She is sitting next to me.
Practice Problems exercise 1 Write at least five prepositions you have learned that you could logically use to replace the underlined word in the following sentence. The stadium is located opposite the school.
Practice Problems exercise 2 Copy each sentence below, replacing each blank with a preposition. The dog’s bowl was the window. He played ball 1923 1939. Her clothes were her bed. The horse ran the stream.
Check your work-these are just possible answers Check your work-these are just possible answers. There are MANY right answers. Exercise 1 1. Behind 2. Across from 3. Past 4. By 5. Near 6. Beside Exercise 2 1. near, by, close to 2. from 1923 to 1939 3. under, beside, next to 4. through, near, over
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