Q2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? In our film we have 3 main characters: Joshua Dolarhyde, Jane Hunter, and Matt Blake. 1.Joshua Dolarhyde: This is our main character, the whole story is based around him- the title also stemming from this character. The age we decided he would be is around 30 and upwards as generally, this is the age of someone who has a decent steady job which one side of his personality has. We thought it would be best to have this character as male to fully fit with our inspiration from jackal& hyde. The race is White, British as our inspirational films had a white cast. The social class of this character is middle class as he’s had a fairly good private education to reflect his high status job (criminal detective) however he lost his childhood sweetheart at a young age which caused his split personality. This character is typical of the psychological thriller genre as a split personality is often used, Dolarhyde fits the thriller conventions. 2.Jane Hunter: She is the female leading protagonist, her age is late twenties as she doesn’t quite have as much knowledge and experience as the main character Joshua Dolarhyde. She’s also White, British from a respectable family and general good background leading to her fairly good job of assisting Joshua Dolarhyde in being crime detectives.
Representation/ mise-en-scene Josh Dolarhyde- He’s a reserved male not the type to go around asking for attention, which makes him mysterious to the audience. He doesn’t give a lot away giving him a creepy aura and suggesting that there’s more to him. We decided to portray him as a reserved guy who likes to be alone away from the world, almost recluse-like apart from when he goes to work. Belonging to the hard-working machine-like individuals in society. We showed this by having the actor who played this character’s head down and a jacket which is always done up. Also having shots of him walking alone at night in strange areas with his hands behind his back which has creepy connotations. Jane Hunter- She also isn’t a very outspoken character with a fairly reserved manor about her, less so than Dolarhyde as he has more to hide than her. She’s portrayed as an intelligent woman who knows where she’s going in life, not letting anyone or anything get in her way; if she needed too, self defence is second nature to her although she isn’t obvious about it. She’s often seen with her hood up because her job requires secrecy and little attention from outsiders.
Simlarities/ Inspiration Our main character Joshua Dolarhyde is inspired from Red Dragon and the concept of the film being his heavily split personality is based on jackal& hyde the obvious distinction between good and bad. From a hard working criminal investigator, to instigating the crimes himself. Jane Hunters inspiration came from Lara Croft as she’s a female character who knows how to get out of a situation fast as she’s got the self-defence knowledge. Although we decided to have our character dressed in more obscure clothing as our film’s all about keeping things on the down-low.