James Thompson EFC II 4 th Hour
In this career you: Investigate alleged or suspected criminal violation of federal, state, or local law to determine if evidence is sufficient to recommend prosecution.
Obtain and verify evidence by interviewing and observing suspects and witnesses or by analyzing records. Record evidence and documents, using equipment such as cameras and photo copy machines. Examine records to locate links in chains of evidence or information Prepare reports that detail investigation findings. Testify before grand juries concerning criminal investigations.
Handguns Surveillance video or audio recorders
Electronic mail software Graphic or photo imaging software
English Language Law and Government
Social Perceptiveness Persuasion
Deductive Reasoning Problem Sensitivity
Making Decisions and Solving Problems Gathering Information
Face to Face Discussion Freedom to make decisions
Enterprising Investigative
Initiative Persistence
Recognition Achievement
Police Detectives Private Detectives or Investigators
Suggested High School Subjects: Physical Education and Foreign Languages. Post Secondary Training: 1or 2 years of college. Minimum Education Level: High School Education Certification/Licensing: High School Diploma, College Degree.
Salary Range: $38,850-$64,940 Hourly Median Wage-US: $29.86 Hourly Median Wage-Louisiana: $20.95 Other Information: The salary normally tends to fluctuate with frequent amounts of overtime.
Job Outlook: favorable Projected Growth: -Faster than average (14% to 19%) Projected Job Openings: 110, 380