The End of the Cold War
Mikhail Gorbachev Becomes president of USSR in 1985 Wanted change Two Policies Glasnost: “a new openness” Ease strict social controls by the gov’t Perestroika : reform the Soviet system Move away from Communism
Reagan & Gorbachev Meet
Reagan & Gorbachev Meet Again
And Again
And One More Time
“Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!”
Communism Falls All Over Europe Several Eastern European countries oust Communist regimes Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary November 9, 1989: Berlin Wall falls Symbolizes end of Communism in Europe
“The greatest street party in the history of the world.”
The Real Reason for the Fall of the Berlin Wall David Hasselhoff
The Fall of the Soviet Union: Dec 26, 1991 Gorbachev’s reforms give way to collapse Boris Yeltsin replaces Gorbachev & supports reforms Yeltsin becomes 1 st president of Russian Federation