Parents in Progress This program teaches parents who are at risk of their child entering the Foster Care System; how to adequately cope with the stress of raising children in an a appropriate, safe, nurturing manner. To focus on parenting intervention and provide resources for parents to learn how to become a more sufficient parent to then avoid the child entering the Foster Care System and creating more stable homes.
Rate per 1,000 -the amount of children in the Foster Care System. Community Need
Logical Approach
Ron Haskins, Janet Currie, and Lawrence M. Berger These authors discuss that more government programs should be established to protect children in high risk families. Prevention and treatment programs that have already been implimented can effectivly promote child welfare, usually without removing children from their families. They claim programs can be expenses but worth it and save money and the overall well being of the family in the long run. Melisa Bolen et al. These authors research concluded that families with Child Protective Services involvment desired education on improving parenting practices before CPS involvment. Parents in the study desired parenting techniques that will work and can be implemented long- term. Patricia Chamberlain: Discused how juvenile delinquency can often stem from problems at the home, issues such as child abuse, neglect, sibling conflict, and unfit parents, causing children to become involved in crime. Parents inablity to properly parent their children can force the child to be remvoed from the home Literature Review
Work Cited Haskins, Ron, Janet Currie, and Lawrence M. Berger. "Can States Improve Children's Health By Preventing Abuse And Neglect?." Future Of Children (2015): SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 4 Dec Bolen, Melissa, Lenore McWey, and Bethanne Schlee. "Are At-Risk Parents Getting What They Need? Perspectives Of Parents Involved With Child Protective Services." Clinical Social Work Journal 36.4 (2008): SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 4 Dec Chamberlain, Patricia. "Treatment Foster Care." Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (1998): Web. 5 Dec
Evaluation Question? -Does teaching parents how to become better parents create more stable homes? Evaluation Design: -Binary: OXO Evaluation Statistics: -Cross Tabs -Chi-Squared -Logistic Regression Evaluation Plan
Cross Tab & Chi-Square
Conclusion The Parents in Progress program did not work because it was not statistically significant at the.05 or.01 level. The program was at a.565 level.