English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: Major Events Directions: Complete the following chart based on the major events you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters Include at least one major event per chapter. Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18 Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23 Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26
Chapter 14 1.What does it reveal to us about Holden’s character when he describes liking the “lunatic” in the Bible over the disciples? 2. Why does Holden stand up to Maurice over five dollars when he has already characterized himself as “yellow” (cowardly)? 3. How is Holden’s state of mind at the end of this chapter? Is he getting better or worse as the story progresses? Explain. Chapter Why does Holden call Sally Hayes, a girl he claims to dislike instead of calling Jane, who he clearly has feelings for? 2. How does Holden show that he truly cares about his mother’s view of him? 3. What do the suitcases symbolize? 4. What particular piece of evidence proves that Holden truly likes English class? 5. Why do you think Holden likes English class so much? Why is it the only class he isn’t failing? 5. How is it ironic that Holden ends up having an enjoyable conversation with the Catholic nuns?
Chapter What is the difference between the nuns and Holden’s mother and aunt? 2. Describe the reference to the title in this chapter. 3. Holden finally calls Jane. What happens? 4. Explain the reference to Romeo and Juliet. 5. This chapter reveals a lot about Holden’s attitude/perspective on little kids. Explain. 6. What is the significance of the reference to the museum?
Chapter In Chapter 15, Holden describes a roommate he had at Elkton Hills for two months. In this chapter, Holden talks about a different roommate he had at Elkton Hills for two months. What does this seem to indicate? 2. Holden seems to be pretty impulsive and a bit irrational. Give evidence from this chapter to prove this claim. 3. Holden complains about George, the guy Sally knows. He says, “I could see them all sitting around in some bar, with their goddam checkered vests, criticizing shows and books and women in those tired, snobby voices. They kill me, those guys” (p. 128). What is ironic about this? 4. What does Holden mean when he says, “going up and down in elevators when you just want to go outside?” (p. 130). 5. Someone who is “manic” has extreme highs and extreme lows. Describe Holden’s state of mind as he talks to Sally in this chapter.
Chapter How many phone numbers does Holden have in his address books? Whose numbers are they? What does this say about Holden? 2. Who does Holden end up calling after Jane doesn’t answer? Why is this significant? Chapter What does Luce mean by a “typical Caulfield conversation?” 2. Explain the difference between Holden’s exterior personality vs. his inner monologues. 3. Luce tells Holden to see a psychoanalyst to “recognize the patterns of [his] mind” (p. 148). What are some patterns of the mind (patterns of thought) that Holden has? 4. What does Holden admit to Luce?
Chapter How does it seem like Holden has hit rock bottom in this chapter? Explain. 2. Where does Holden go at the end of the night and what happens on the way? What is the symbolism here? 3. Where was Holden during Allie’s funeral? 4. What does Holden begin to envision while in the park looking for the ducks? 5. Why doesn’t Holden visit Allie’s grave anymore? 6. What does Holden really mean when he says “It’s not too bad when the sun’s out, but the sun only comes out when it feels like coming out” (p. 156). Chapter Why does Holden go home when he’s not ready to face his parents yet? 2. How does Holden feel at first when Phoebe tells him his parents aren’t home? What does he eventually decide? 3. How do you think Phoebe knows that Holden got kicked out of school?
Chapter Even though Phoebe’s young, she seems to see right through Holden. Explain. 2. When Phoebe probes Holden to tell her one thing he really likes, he starts to reminisce about a boy named James Castle. Describe what happened to James. Why is this significant? 3. How does Holden respond when Phoebe frankly says, “Allie’s dead-You always say that!” 4. How does Holden feel about his father? 5. Explain the significance/symbolism of the title The Catcher in the Rye. Chapter How does Holden feel about Mr. Antolini? Why do you think Holden called him? 2. What does Holden do when Phoebe gives him her Christmas money? How does Phoebe respond? 3. What is the symbolism in Holden giving Phoebe the red hunting hat? 4. What does Holden almost wish happened?
Chapter Describe Mr. Antolini. Why do you think Holden likes him so much? 2. Why did Mr. Antolini have lunch with Holden’s father? 3. What does Mr. Antolini predict for Holden? 4. Analyze the quote Mr. Antolini writes down for Holden. “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.” – Wilhem Stekel, psychoanalyst 5. What is a sage? How is Mr. Antolini acting as Holden’s sage? 6. How does Mr. Antolini feel about Holden? Explain. 7. What do you think of Mr. Antolini “petting” Holden’s head in the middle of the night?
Chapter What does Holden start to envision as he is walking around New York? 2. What attracts Holden the most to going away somewhere new? 3. Why does the profanity on the wall upset Holden so much? 4. Holden never seems to be in the mood to talk to Jane even though he constantly says he should call her. Why doesn’t he ever end up talking to Jane? 5. Why is Holden so angry when Phoebe shows up with a packed suitcase? 6. What does Holden really mean with the metaphor of the carrousel and the gold ring? 7. A catharsis is a cleansing of the soul or a relief of repressed emotions, often involving water. How does Holden experience a catharsis? Chapter Where has Holden been telling his story from this whole time? What can we infer happened to him after going home with Phoebe?
English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: Character Chart Directions: Complete the following chart based on the major characters you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters CharacterConnection to Holden Significance Why is the character significant? Character Traits Physical Traits HoldenSelf Sally Hayes The Nuns James Castle Phoebe Carl Luce
English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: Character Chart Directions: Complete the following chart based on the major characters you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters CharacterConnection to Holden Significance Why is the character significant? Character Traits Physical Traits Mr. Caulfield Mrs. Caulfield Mr. Antolini
English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: Symbolism Chart Directions: Complete the following chart based on the symbols you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters SymbolExplain what the symbol stands forTextual Evidence Little Shirley Beans The Museum of Natural History The Carousel
English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: Symbolism Chart Directions: Complete the following chart based on the symbols you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters SymbolExplain what the symbol stands forTextual Evidence
English 10 Name: Date: The Catcher in the Rye Vocabulary 2
English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: Significant Quotes Directions: Complete the following chart based on the significant quotes you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters Complete an abbreviated analysis at each level based on your dialectical journal requirements. QuoteLevel 1Level 2Level 3
English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: Theme Chart A theme is a moral or a message the author is trying to convey Directions: Complete the following chart based on the themes you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters QuestionAnswerText Evidence What real life issues are reflected in the text? What does the author say about those issues? What point is the author trying to make through writing this novel? What does the work tell us about how people behave? What does the work tell us about how the society affects the individual? What are the themes that Salinger is trying to convey in Chapters 14-26?
Type of Conflict Person vs. Person Person vs. Self Person vs. Society Characters Involved Conflict Resolution How the problem is resolved? Text Evidence Conflict Chart Conflict is the major problem or problems in a story Directions: Complete the following chart based on the conflicts you have come across while reading The Catcher in the Rye from Chapters English 10 Name: Brill/Cipriano Date: Period: