Everardo Vega Per.6
Link slide Scientific name Scientific nameScientific name Range and Habitat map Range and Habitat mapRange and Habitat map Diet DietDiet Physical description size, weight, length Physical description size, weight, length Physical description size, weight, length Breeding info Breeding infoBreeding info Special behaviors Special behaviorsSpecial behaviors Weird info Weird infoWeird info Video/sound file Video/sound fileVideo/sound file Conclusion ConclusionConclusion
Scientific name Sarcophilus harrisii
Range and Habitat map Tasmanian Devils are found in a variety of habitats in Tasmania, Australia
Diet They feed on small mammals, birds, fish, frogs and reptiles but their diet is varied and they will eat whatever is available.
Physical description size, weight, length Length: cm( inch) Weight: 4-12kgs ( lbs) Life expectancy: up to 6 yrs Conservation: Endangered
Breeding info Tasmanian Devils mate in march and after a gestation period of 21 days 2-3 young are born in April The young are born into their mothers rear opening pouch
Special behaviors Although Tasmanian Devils look and sound ferocious, they can become very friendly. It also fight for food and survival
Weird info Adult devils may eat young devils if they are very hungry
Video/sound file
Conclusion The end