Body Eyepiece Nosepiece Objective Lens (high) Objective Lens (Scan) Objective Lens (Low) Arm Stage Clips Substage Disc Stage Coarse Adjustment Knob Substage Lamp Fine Adjustment Knob Base
Cephalic Otic Frontal Nasal Occipital Ocular Oral Buccal Cervical Acromial Mental Acromial Sternal Axillary Vertebral Mammary Pectoral Brachial Brachial Dorsum Antecubital Umbilical Cubital Abdominal Inguinal Lumbar Sacral Antebrachial Coxal Gluteal Carpal Perineal Palmar Digital Femoral Genital Popliteal Patellar Sural Crural Tarsal Pedal Plantar
Mitochondria Cell Membrane Golgi Apparatus Centrosome/ Centriole Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Nuclear Membrane Centrosome/ Centriole Chromatin Lysosome Nucleolus Peroxisome Ribosomes Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Cytoplasm
Chromatin Flagella Ribosome Microtubule Nuclear Envelope Cell Membrane Nucleus Nucleolus Centrosome/Centriole Rough ER Mitochondria Smooth ER Microvilli Cilia Golgi Apparatus Microtubule Microtubule Lysosome
Type of cell: Type of solution Water is diffusing RBC Isotonic Into and out of RBC equally
Type of cell: Type of solution Water is diffusing Crenated RBC Hypertonic out of RBC faster
Type of cell: Type of solution Water is diffusing Lysed RBC Hypotonic Into RBC faster
Nuclear envelope is visible DNA replication Interphase Nuclear envelope is visible DNA replication Cell performs its normal job Phase: What is occurring:
Nuclear envelope is disappearing Chromosomes forming Prophase Nuclear envelope is disappearing Chromosomes forming Phase: What is occurring:
Chromosomes line up along the center of the cell Metaphase Chromosomes line up along the center of the cell Phase: What is occurring:
_______ are separating Phase: What is occurring: Anaphase _______ are separating
Phase: What is occurring: Telophase Cytokinesis Nuclear membrane reforms Cell membrane forms
Simple Squamous Lungs, endothelium of capillaries Diffusion, osmosis Location: Body Function:
Simple Cuboidal Kidney tubules, glands, ovaries Secretion, absorption Location: Body Function:
Simple Columnar GI tract, uterus Secretion, absorption, move sperm Location: Body Function:
Pseudostratified Columnar Location: Body Function: Trachea Movement of fluids (mucous)
Stratified Squamous Location: Skin, mouth, anal canal, esophagus Body Function: Skin, mouth, anal canal, esophagus Protection water loss, abrasion etc….
Transitional Location: Body Function: bladder Stretch
Connective Tissues
Loose Connective Tissue (Areolar) Collagen Fibers Elastic Fibers Reticular Fibers Fibroblasts
Fat (adipose) Adipocyte Nucleus
Reticular Reticular Fibers
Dense Regular Nuclei of Fibroblasts Collagen Fibers
Elastic Cartilage
Hyaline cartilage Chondrocytes Matrix Lacuna
Fibrocartilage Chondrocytes Collagen Fibers
Bone Osteocytes Central Canal
Blood WBC RBC Platelets
Skeletal Muscle Location: Attached to Skeleton Body Function: Voluntary movement
Cardiac Muscle Heart Heart muscle contraction Location: Body Function: Intercalated Discs Heart Heart muscle contraction Location: Body Function:
Smooth Muscle Blood vessels, GI tract Involuntary movement Location: Body Function:
Nervous tissue CNS, PNS Conduct nerve impulses Location: Body Function: