Cambridge Pre-U Getting Started In-service Training Liberating learning Developing successful students
Cambridge Pre-U INDEPENDENT RESEARCH REPORT Liberating learning Developing successful students
Aims Overview of IRR Support booklet (in packs) Challenges for the students Challenges for the teachers Administration Assessment scheme (we will not discuss marking)
Overview of the IRR: An extended essay or report ( words) On independent and individual research Develops research skills Develops project management skills Deepens the academic experience Prepares students for learning in HE
The IRR provides an opportunity to: ‘dig deeper’ in a specialist subject cross boundaries with an inter-disciplinary project explore a new, non-school subject practice the research and critical thinking skills developed in the Global Perspectives course
IRR: A preparation for learning in HE Students: select and focus their own research question have regular ‘supervisions’ with an individual mentor discuss problems and present conclusions to their mentor write up an academic dissertation undergo a brief viva at the end of their project
IRR Guide for students and Mentors In the pack.
Challenges for the student Selecting and focusing a suitable research project Finding and evaluating sources Record keeping Keeping going and keeping to deadlines Writing up and editing The viva
Choosing a research question Group exercise: (see sheets in pack) Each group has to identify and evaluate 2-3 research questions based on a particular topic area. 15 minutes
Planning sheet (see guide) Outline Proposal Form
The Mentor Choosing/allocating a mentor Timetable issues and timing How often to meet? Independence / support / guidance Record keeping Viva Marking
The Verifier
Assessment Objectives AO1: Knowledge and understanding of the research process (15%) AO2: Analysis (30%) AO3: Evaluation (30%) AO4: Communication (15%) AO5: Intellectual Challenge (10%)
Assessing IRR are internally marked and externally moderated. The research process and critical/synthetic skills are assessed. Holistic approach using professional judgement (‘best fit’). A well defined progression of achievement: Increasing breadth and depth of understanding Increasing coherence of argument and synthesis Increasing independence and originality increasing marks