Questions and Confirmation on the Project Document Content UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, 9-11 th February 2010 Water Resources and Environment Administration Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Questions and Confirmation on the Project Document Content UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, 9-11 th February 2010 Water Resources and Environment Administration Department of Environment Dr. Leevameng BOUAPAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

1) What kind of the Processes (data collection, analysis, etc) and Approaches to Facilitate (review, assessment, recommendation) the National Reporting to Rio Conventions (the project picture is not still clear, Table 16)? Therefore, could you explain the picture briefly? Is it different from NCSA, NAPA? Namely, what kind of the report is expected(is there any format)?; 2) The budget indicated in Tables 8 and 9 in term of co-financing (in- kind) is totally 800,880 USD. This means that each country has to contribute 133,480 USD. Is it correct or not? However, as revealed in Tables 10 and 11, the Lao Government contributes only 75,00 USD (in-kind). Therefore, actually how much that the Lao government has to contribute? in order to avoid misunderstanding, on behalf of the Lao Government, I strongly request that the budget related to each activities for each country in Tables 8 and 9 should be recalculated again. Because (a) the above amount 133,480 USD is very higher that the amount of the Lao Government’s contribution, and (b) I have to report to my Gov. in term of the exact amount; Questions and Confirmation

3) The Lao Government will contribute to this project in-kind totally 75,000 USD. Therefore, through implementing the project, how much totally that the Lao Government will receive from UNEP/ GEF such as equipments (computer, printer, etc), human resource, training workshops, publication cost, organizing events); 4) In Table 8, what does it mean for “Person days (ex. 6 NPC 90) and person weeks (ex. 6 NPC 18), this means that each NPC will work 90 days and 18 weeks per year, respectively. Is it correct or not?”. Again, when we look at the budget allocation, the NPC will be financed by GEF and each country totally 3500 USD (GEF: 3000/6=500 USD + each country 18,000/6=3000 USD) per year. Is it correct or not? However, the above budget is inconsistent with the data indicated in Table 11. Because as seen in Table 11, for the NPC, each country will pay 14,400 USD (144 days) (Please also see the ToR at page 90, ToR has been defined that NPC will be primarily financed through Government. Therefore, can I conclude that the NPC will be financed by both GEF and the Government?. Questions and Confirmation (continue 1)

5) It is hard to understand the meaning in Table 12. Therefore, could you kind explain more detail please? What are difference between Table 11 and Table 12 ?; 6) The draft work plan including budget for 3 years is summarized at another template (please see Draft Annual Work Plan based on Table 15-LAO PDR file); 7) Table 18 Project Procurement Plan (Table 18) is revised and summarized at another template (see Table 18 Project Procurement Plan (Page 39) file); Questions and Confirmation (continue 2)

8) Is there any Format in term of Annual Work Plan? (Ex. Country Support Programme Format, please see the Country Support Programme for GEF Focal Point - CSP for GEF Focal Point Costed Annual Work Plan 2010-LAO PDR file); 9) In term of incremental cost matrix (Table 13, page 67), the outcome component 1 is described that the average cost of existing reporting is 90,000 USD per country and convention. This comprised of government contribution of 62,500 USD. I do not still understand, so could you kind explain please? Especially, regarding the component 2, …with a global value of 360,000 USD (equivalent to roughly 1,895 USD, is it correct or not?). Questions and Confirmation (continue 3)

Budget Allocation (Lao PDR) A B C GEF: A + B + C = ?? (should be clear) USD. Lao Gov.(in-kind): = 75,000 USD.

My questions are how can I: (1)Report to my Minister (WREA), especially, to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Planning and Investment; (2)Explain to the NSC members and stakeholders; (3) Identify each activity in detail within the budget; (4) In particular, if the co-financing indicated in Tables 8 and 9 (133,436 USD for each country) is higher than 75,000 USD (the amount contribution of the Lao Government). It is not acceptable for my Government. Therefore, on behalf of the Lao Government, I strongly request to the GEF secretariat, UNEP, UNEP-WCMC that please recalculate the budget again within 75,000 USD. And how much that the Lao Government will receive from GEF through this project in detail. If the budget is not clear The problems are: (1)We can not plan any activities; (2)It will make our team confuse on implementation.

As seen in Table 8, the 6 National Consultants will be financed by UNEP (12,600 USD per 6 countries per year. Namely, 12,600/6=2100 USD per person per year (175 USD per month or 2100 USD for short term), is it correct or not? ). Because based on the above amount, we will will carry out the employment test to employ the national consultant. However, I can say that with amount of 2100 USD, we can employ he/she only 2 months; (please see Reference (climate change office WREA) file) About National Consultant

Thank you !!