The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders Strategic Plan Regarding the National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health Richard White.


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Presentation transcript:

The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders Strategic Plan Regarding the National Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health Richard White CCBD President 5 th National Community Building Forum Phoenix, AZ September 24, 2008

Who are we?  CCBD is a Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).  CEC is the professional organization for special educators.  We are special educators with a commitment to children and youth with or at-risk of emotional/behavioral disorder.

Our Mission  CCBD is dedicated to supporting the professional development and enhancing the expertise of those who work on behalf of children with challenging behavior and their families. CCBD is committed to students who are identified as having emotional and behavioral disorders and those whose behavior puts them at risk for failure in school, home, and/or community. CCBD supports prevention of problem behavior and enhancement of social, emotional, and educational well-being of all children and youth.

Our History of Support to the National Community on School Behavioral Health  Four of our leading members were on the Task Force that developed the Mental Health, Schools, and Families Working Together for All Children and Youth: Toward a Shared Agenda (2005) concept paper. Two others were technical readers including Mike Nelson, Past CCBD President.Mental Health, Schools, and Families Working Together for All Children and Youth: Toward a Shared Agenda  Sandy Keenan, AIR and Past President of CCBD has been a consistent advocate of the Community.  Mike Paget, CCBD delegate to the CEC Representative Assembly is a leader on the SC Seed State team.  Howard Muscott, CCBD Foundation President, is a leader on the NH Seed State team.

The 2008 CCBD Strategic Plan  The plan has a goal of increasing the visibility of the work of the National Community within CCBD and CEC and increasing our effort within the National Community.

Within CCBD and CEC  Make sure that the work of the National Community is presented at all CCBD Conferences and events.  Make sure that the work of the National Community is annually presented in the CCBD e-Newsletter with links to key sites.  Make sure that officer transitions do not interrupt our annual support of the National Community.

Current Aligned Work  Many of our publications already address strategies profiled on the National Community site Resources for Kids.  See our special issue of Behavioral Disorders on FBA and function-based intervention at ournal/Journal.cfm?BDID=F09CC7C B DF7ACE023F80 ournal/Journal.cfm?BDID=F09CC7C B DF7ACE023F80

Increasing Our Effort  Develop a National Community Task Force within the CCBD Leadership with the CCBD President as a member.  Coordinated CCBD’s responsiveness to the work of the National Community through our Task Force.  Assure that CCBD’s coordinated effort extends beyond the Community Forum.