WISE Working Group D September 2009, Brussels Jon Maidens
WISE architecture Agenda point 2b
Services – adding value to WISE European harmonisation Data download – dataservice for reference datasets Data view – mapviewer, eyeonearth Future – more services – discovery (metadata), view (WMS, VE etc)
Mapviewer developments
Status GeoSolutions presented proof of concept at Koblenz Delivered documentation and code Installed application at EEA Handover meeting with EEA and Atkins Recommendations from GeoSolutions Handover task for Atkins July/August – draft paper
Atkins first task Activity 1 – Application migration – installation Activity 2 – System assessment – documentation review, system flow mapping Activity 3 – System analysis
System assessment Test documentation and complete where needed Does it fit to EEA architecture? Where is it complex? Where is it expensive to maintain?
System analysis Inclusion of further reporting streams (EU water policy (directives) as well as SoE reporting) - schema updates and addition WFS component assessment for future development. Analysis of migration to SQL Server 2008 database and removal of SDE component QA analysis – Assess BizTalk schema validation, dotNet schema validation and removal of database holding rules as delivered Integration with ReportNet QA Management interface assessment and future needs. Integration of Eionet login GeoRSS-GML integration – GeoRSS is another possible data delivery protocol
Analysis result The pilot system has incorrect implementation of the content validation – not to integrate with ReportNet BizTalk is not being utilised to its full potential Configuration of the system for new schemas requires a lot of resource (and also for schema updates) Database generated from application only temporary – WISE data model With SQL server 2008 providing spatial capabilities at the database level, it is possible to remove the ESRI ArcSDE component altogether WFS and other reporting protocols raise technological issues which require further analysis
WFS For spatial information requests. Requesting full WFD schemas is too complex for standards. So we need to reduce the complexity and client/MS custom development and IT needs WFS issue is orchestrating requests in BizTalk. Knowing what has changed – managing that interaction. If one side goes down – the other needs to know what hasn't been delivered. However, WFS component is front-end component to the BizTalk engine
Concept of flow Request detailed data - different type of information to ReportNet flow Perform the harmonisation/aggregation to derive required dataset Important - MS control Release to public in output Make a chain
Implementation strategy The roadmap needs better defined milestones Take-up, interest from and collaboration with Member States is lacking (as demonstrated in testing exercise) The proof of concept covers the inputs, but the does not extend to the full data flow in the WISEds. Components (metadata, WISE data model, WMS) exist or are in production under separate initiatives, and the implementation plan should be revisited to tie them in. Can be re-addressed through implementation plan
Looking forward Decide on technical activities Identify better dataset – Floods reporting has good potential Demonstrate the chain Better define the MS criteria for setting up a system WFS, GeoRSS?? depending on the request
Extending Inspire to WISE
WISE metadata profile
WISE-INSPIRE link – metadata WISE metadata profile – extension of the Inspire profile. Active task sheet to produce XML schema and analysis of tools/support to facilitate metadata production (style sheet, constraints, code lists, editor) Follows ISO standard
WISE Metadata The WISE metadata profile should support the functions of discovery and usage. Since the majority of WISE datasets and services fall under the scope of INSPIRE, the profile extends the INSPIRE metadata to include all those additional elements already agreed by the WISE community. The INSPIRE metadata elements have been selected to support the primary function of discovery. For 10 categories, there are a total of 27 metadata elements. WISE metadata appends 12 metadata elements
WISE Metadata
Which WISE components require metadata? Metadata should be created with all geographical information being reported to, developed in the context of, or disseminated through WISE. A sub-set of the metadata elements found in the WISE profile for spatial data would also be applicable for non- spatial data submitted by Member States. (But not defined anywhere)
Metadata properties Annotations Mandatory,optional fields Multiplicity Restricted code lists
Metadata constraint rules Conditional fields Cannot be implemented in the schema Implemented in editor Documented
Keyword list online resource Guidance to completion of fields included
Metadata profile Described in the GIS Guidance document and spatial reporting guidance Metadata schema profile and additional guidance (example) available online from 22 nd October: Metadata editor to come next year
Data specifcations
Data specifications 'listing a number of requirements and making the necessary recommendations, the data specifications enable full system interoperability across the Member States, within the scope of the application areas' Application area = domain of interest Real world broken down into application areas for purposes of sharing spatial information The data specifications follow the structure of “ISO Geographic information - Data product specifications” standard. UML diagrams
WFD Basic
WFD Monitoring
WFD Status