Hemisphere- Half of a sphere. There are four hemispheres in the world. The northern, southern, western and eastern. Degrees- Units that measure angles. Minutes – Measure smaller units. Map (coordinate) grid – Determining a location on Earth’s surface using latitude and longitude.
Compass Rose – A diagram of a compass showing direction. Cardinal Directions- North, South, East and West Intermediate Directions – Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest Scale – Shows how much space on a map represents a given distance on the land.
Locator Map – Shows a larger area than the main map. It shows where the area on the map is located within this larger area Map Key – Explains the symbols and shading on a map. Map symbol – Something that stands for a particular object on a map. Physical Map – A map that shows physical or natural features.
Political Map – A map that shows political units such as states or countries Relief Map – A map that uses different colors or textures to show the height or depth of mountains, hills, valleys, etc. Special purpose map – shows the location or distribution of human or physical features. Absolute location – Describes a places exact location on Earth in terms of latitude and longitude. Relative location – Location of a place relative to another place.
A region is an area with at least one unifying physical or human feature Ex: climate, landforms, population, or history
Location is described as where something is Ex: Answers will vary Movement is defined as exploring how people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another Ex: food, fuel, and other basic goods
Human-environment interaction- considers how people affect their environment, or their natural surroundings, and how their environment affects them. Ex: The movement of water from the Potomac River into Washington’s water system.
Place-refers to the mix of human and nonhuman features at a given location. Ex: hilly, wet, on a river, major city Emigrate- To migrate OUT of a place
Immigrate-To migrate INTO a place Population Density- the number of people per unit of land area Two questions that geographers always ask are 1.) Where are things located? 2.) Why are they there?
Rural- A settlement in the country is considered a RURAL area Urban- areas are cities. Map- A 2-dimensional model of the Earth’s surface. Globe – A model of the Earth that is round or 3-dimensional.
The two imaginary lines that divide the earth are: the Equator and the Prime Meridian The equator divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres. The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into the western and eastern hemispheres The Prime Meridian is at 0 degrees longitude. The Equator is at 0 degrees latitude.
Latitude lines measure from north to south. Longitude lines measure from east to west. What does latitude and longitude help geographers identify? Absolute Location Mercator Projection- shows correct shapes and directions but not true distances or sizes. Robinson Projection- shows nearly the correct size and shape of most land areas.