Goal 3: Apply strategies to enhance personal relationships through elimination of stress factors.
1. going out as a couple 2. going out as a group 3. family rules
1. Personal Responsibility. * Show respect for yourself. *Communicate. *Plan the date so that you both have the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company. *Do not try to control the other person- that is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
*Do not listen to the media or peer pressure. *Think about your values before you start dating.
1 out of 3 sexually active girls will get pregnant. 50% of sexually active teens will get a new STD (sexually transmitted disease) each year.
more likely to suffer health, emotional, and socioeconomic problems low birth weight because of mother’s lack of good nutrition during pregnancy
organs do not fully develop bleeding on the brain that leads to brain damage intestinal problems
less likely to have good nutrition lower academic achievement because of lack of cognitive and social stimulation boys 13% more likely to be incarcerated girls 22% more likely to become teen mothers
Sexual feelings are normal, but do not let the feelings control your actions. abstinence- refusal to engage in high-risk behavior
1. Set limits on the kind of people you will date and the places you will go. 2. Plan ahead so that you will know what you will do.
3. Avoid risky situations- parties, drinking, drugs. 4. Spend time with people who share your beliefs. 5. Learn to show affections without being sexually active.
Refusal skills start with a firm sense of who you are and what is important to you. 1. State your position. Do not apologize or try to justify your decision. 2. Avoid mixed messages. Make sure your body language matches your words. 3. Keep your values and your long- term goals in mind.
Learning to handle emotions and to express them appropriately are vital skills.
Crushes are usually directed toward a person whom a real relationship is not possible. infatuation- intense romantic attraction that is often unrealistic or idealistic/can be mistaken for love
feeling that the person you care about is more interested in something or someone else than you Intense or prolonged jealousy is destructive to a relationship. Extremely jealous people are insecure. to reduce jealousy, focus on different interests.
Most relationships end. Make a clean break. Explain why you must end the relationship. Be firm, but fair. Be sensitive.
When the other person wants to end the relationship, don’t try to prevent the breakup. Avoid saying negative things about each other.
Give yourself time to recover. Do not hurry to start a new relationship. Reflect on past relationships so that you can learn from them.
How do you know it is love? *Learn what love is not- to find out what it is. *Love is based on caring and trust. Love requires giving and receiving. *Love requires a desire to work together for a common goal. *Give love time and see if it endures.
1. Getting engaged. *opportunity to test the relationship *discuss religion, children, education, careers etc. *It is better to call off an engagement than to make a mistake and marry when you are not ready.
legalize couples agreement regulate property rights provide protection for children
Communication (express feeling, discuss issues, make decisions together) Sharing (responsibilities) Resolve conflicts
not ready to take on adult responsibilities disagreements about money, sex, and children unrealistic expectations not compatible