Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, 2005 1/8 Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport (DIESEL)

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 The ultimate goals of the project are:  To gain a better understanding of factors affecting in-use diesel vehicle emissions.  To assess alternative mitigation options to assist decision making in developing countries. All Asian cities are experiencing serious PM pollution, including Bangkok. Background The CAI-Asia conducted the ‘DIESEL Pilot in Bangkok’

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 Organization Structure Project Management Team Manager (PCD) Coordinator Technical Advisor Assistant Local Steering Committee Chair Representative from: PCD, DLT, BMTA, BMA, DEB, DFE, PTT, OEPP, Operators, Universities AdvisoryOperational Bangkok CAI-Asia: Sub-committee Funding partners Two Regional Reps. Advisory Committee AQM specialist Transport policy sp. Development sp. Vehicle technology sp. Fuel sp. International

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 Project Components Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Bangkok Emission Database Development Diesel Pollution Reduction Options Development Diesel Pollution Reduction Strategies Development Dissemination through CAI-Asia networkOn-going Retrofit & Re-engine Alternative Fuel I/M Program Transport Management

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 On-going Activities  Emission Testing Develop Bangkok Diesel Vehicle Emission Factors Total 195 vehicles (progress 50% vehicles)

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 On-going Activities  Bangkok Pilot Projects (under 4 selected diesel pollution reduction options) Bangkok Diesel Retrofit Demonstration Project Study status of Imported Second-hand Engine Market in Bangkok Promoting the use of preventive maintenance practice in joint BMTA private bus project Study of Emission from using Biodiesel in Chiang Mai

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 On-going Activities  Simple cost-benefit Tool for decision makers (IDEAS)

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 Project Plan ComponentActivitiesProgress Bangkok Database 100% 2 Policy and Technology Options Emission Testing 50% Emission Factors Development - Options Development 100% Meetings 30% Diesel Reduction Pilot Project 20% 3 Dissemination Options Evaluation - Policy Development - Analytical Framework Development 20% Dissemination 20%

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 Discussions (1)  How can the pilot project contribute to better cooperation and coordination with the CAI-Asia Secretariat and the CAI-Asia local networks? Information transfer from pilot project to CAI-Asia Secretariat Dissemination of finding through CAI- Asia network i.e. website, BAQ,… Using of existing material/experience from previous projects in other cities through CAI-Asia network

Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport July 10, /8 Discussions (2)  What is the relevance of the pilot project for local CAI-Asia networks? Information Sharing/Exchanging Capacity Building Technology upgrade