“Peak oil” is the time at which the oil production of a region reaches a maximum. Peak Oil USA Peak Oil: 1971
Oil is a unique resource for the following reasons: High Energy Density (J/Kg) High ER / EI (energy return over investment) Chemical composition Easily transported (liquid) There is no alternate energy source with these important characteristics
Energy Density = energy / mass
A BK Whopper ™ has a mass of 290 g, and contains 670 dietary calories of energy. 670 food calories = 2.8 x 10 6 J What is the energy density of a Whopper™ in J/kg?
2.8 x 106 /.290 kg = 9.7 MJ/kg (Similar to wood or biomass.
Energy density is the reason why oil is so hard to replace with electricity from wind, solar, or other sources. The best batteries have an energy density of about 0.7 MJ per kilogram. Jet fuel has an energy density of 45 MJ/kg Oil is 60 times more energy dense than batteries!!!!
Since 45 /.7 = 60, that means the plane would have to carry 60 times the mass of aviation fuel in batteries! Since the DC 10 already burns 8,500 kg of fuel an hour… The battery required for a 1 hour trip would weigh 510,000 kg! That’s more than double the mass of the plane!
To power a plane for 1 hour, the battery would weigh twice the mass of the plane!
The industrial revolution of the 19 th century is characterized by a switch from wood to coal as the primary energy source of human civilization. Fuel energy density quadrupled!!!
EROI stands for Energy Return Over Investment. It represents the ratio of energy produced to energy spent During glycolysis, cells use 2 ATP molecules to produce 4 ATP from glucose. What is the ER / EI for that? 4 / 2 = 2:1 EROI for glycolysis
ER / EI represents how easily energy is produced by a process. Negative ER / EI means a process uses energy. The higher ER / EI is, the more efficient an energy- generating process is.
Oil is a mixture of thousands of complex organic chemicals. These chemicals can be used to make many useful products, including: Plastics Polymers (polystyrene, etc.) Synthetic fibers (nylon, rayon, etc.) Fertilizers Medicines, drugs, etc. Some of these can also be produced from plant molecules, with higher difficulty and expense.
Oil is fairly easy to transport in ships, pipelines, tankers, and trucks. Other fuels (natural gas, hydrogen, electricity, etc.) are not so easily transported.
High Energy Density High EROI Chemical Composition Ease of use & transport