RESULTS Spring 2015 End-Of-Course tests Student Score Interpretation Guide
What is the Georgia Milestones Assessment System? The Georgia Milestones Assessment System is a comprehensive assessment system spanning grades 3 through high school. Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies. Students in grades 3 through 8 will take the End-of-Grade (EOG) measures in each content area, while high school students will take the appropriate End-of-Course (EOC) measure for the ten identified courses. Current 9 th grade students will receive results for their 8 th grade End of Grade tests when we receive them. In high school, starting this school year, the EOC Conversion Grade is 20% of the final grade for the course.
Test Results are reported as Levels of Performance : The achievement levels listed below describe how well students have learned the knowledge and skills addressed in the content standards for each associated course. They provide an indication of how ready your student is to move on to their next course or endeavor. Beginning Learners (Level 1): These students do not yet demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Developing Learners (Level 2): These students demonstrate partial proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this course of learning, as specified by Georgia’s content standards. The students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Proficient Learners (Level 3): These students demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are prepared for the next grade level or course and are on track for college and career readiness. Distinguished Learners (Level 4): These students demonstrate advanced proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are well prepared for the next grade level or course and are prepared for college and career readiness.
Interpreting Student Reports Front of the Result Page Biographical Information Explanation about the Milestones exams Content Area Achievement Level (explanations at the bottom of the page) Level 1 – Beginning Learner Level 2 – Developing Learner Level 3 – Proficient Learner Level 4 – Distinguished Learner Scale Score – raw score based on state scoring averages Grade Conversion Score – scale – this is the grade that would be used as the 20% of the final course grade.
Interpreting Student Reports Back of the Result Page Box with Achievement Level and Scale Score with additional explanation of the achievement level. Domain Category and Performance Breaks down the overall sections of the test and how the student did on those various sections. Comparison chart: Student score compares to average score for all: LHS students who took that test; Henry County Schools students who took that test Students in the State of Georgia who took that test. Comparison to a National group of students If English/Language Arts test, Lexile score is listed (English teachers will be reviewing those.)
Milestones End of Course tests Will be given in May, 2016 Subjects tested ENGLISH Ninth Grade Literature and Composition (9 th grade) American Literature and Composition (11 th grade English) MATH Coordinate Algebra (9 th grade) Analytic Geometry (10 th grade) SCIENCE Biology (9 th grade) Physical Science (10 th grade) SOCIAL STUDIES United States History (11 th grade) Economics (12 th grade) Results from these tests will be back before the end of the school year and will count 20% of the final course grade.