Ch 5 Abraham.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch 5 Abraham

Abram Abram called by God to leave his home in Ur Abram took his father, wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot with him Journey of Faith

In Egypt Sarai’s beauty caught the attention of the Pharaoh Abram told Pharaoh Sarai was his sister Pharaoh took Sarai for a wife Plagues Abram and Sarai told to leave

Isaac and Ishmael Abram and Sarai grew older but had no children Sarai had her handmaid Hagar have a kid with Abram (Ishmael) God told them that was not his plan that the promised son would be Sarai’s Ishmael and Hagar were told to leave and that God would protect them Sarai latter had a son of her own (Isaac) when she and Abram were about 100 years old

One Man Three Religions Hagar =Ishmael=Arabs=Islam Sarai=Isaac=Jews=Judaism and Christianity

Covenant with Abram Abram=Abraham Sarai=Sarah Abraham’s descendants were now God’s chosen people Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation

Covenant with Abram continued The whole world would be blessed though the descendants of Abraham Circumcision of male babies showed the Jews commitment to this covenant The pilgrims used the idea of a covenant with God when they came to the New World

Sodom and Gomorrah: Back Story Lot and Abraham had to move away from each other (too large of herds to share fields) Abraham gave half of his land to Lot and let him decide which half he would get Lot chose the fertile land of “the plain” Land was near the city of Sodom

Sodom and Gomorrah Wicked cites= Known for Inhospitality and Sexual Immorality God sent three angles to investigate the cites Lot tired to save the angels from an assault by the male inhabitants of Sodom God decided to destroy both cites Abraham pleaded with God to change his mind

Sodom and Gomorrah God had an angle go and rescue Lot and his family The angle told Lot and his family to leave and not to look back Cites were destroyed by fire and brimstone

Sodom and Gomorrah Lot’s wife looked back and was turned to a pillar of salt No one knows exact location of the two cites (Dead Sea????)

The Test God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac (test of his faith) God stopped him at the last minute and told him his faith was enough Abraham and Isaac then sacrificed a ram to God

Two Views on Abraham Jews: simply a test of Abraham’s faith Christians: symbolic of God allowing Jesus to die for humanity

Abraham Quiz 1. Name the two sons of Abraham. 2. What three major world religions consider Abraham an important part of their origins? 3. Describe God’s promises made in the covenant with Abraham found in Genesis. 4. Name the two cities destroyed, according to Genesis, because of their wickedness.