Classroom Expectations Physics with Mr. Wick Classroom Expectations
Golden Rule! “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” “Treat everyone as you would like to be treated”
Classroom Expectations All school discipline rules will be enforced No fighting or ridicule No profanity No coats / jackets No hats No gym bags / book bags No radios No phones No electronic devices!
Classroom Expectations Do not write or make marks on your desk or anywhere in the classroom If marks of any kind are found on your desk, you will be assigned a detention Tell me if you find writing on your desk
Classroom Expectations No unauthorized use or handling of equipment or materials by students Including, but not limited to: whiteboard, smart board, computers, projector, windows, faucets, gas jets, electrical outlets, drawers, chemicals, etc
Classroom Expectations No student is allowed to leave his/her seat during the period without permission
Classroom Expectations Dismissal from the classroom is by the teacher only Not the Bell!
Classroom Expectations Chairs are to be left in the correct position any time that you leave your seat
Classroom Expectations All students are to be in their seats, ready to work, when the bell begins to ring Warning, one detention, parent call/detention, referral
Classroom Expectations When you leave, do not leave anything in or on the desk, sink, or floor
Classroom Expectations Nothing is to be eaten in class Nothing is to be sold in class
Classroom Expectations Grooming is to be done outside the classroom
Classroom Expectations There is to be no talking during lectures and/or announcements over the P.A.
Classroom Expectations Nothing thicker than one normal book marker is to be placed between the pages of your textbook No folded papers, pencils, etc
Classroom Expectations No one should do or say anything that would attract undue attention to oneself
Classroom Expectations You will not do anything that will hinder the educational process in the classroom
Classroom Expectations No phones or cameras!
Conclusions Mutual respect! Golden rule! Class time is valuable, use it wisely! Physics can be fun for everyone if we all work together!